Monday, April 1, 2024

Winter 2024 (Ravelry) UFO Club - The Results

Welcome to The Joyful Quilter!!  I'm here to report on the results of the Winter 2024 (Ravelry) UFO Club.  I think you will agree that we enjoyed another successful session (even though I was not among the list of finishers.)

This is as close as I got to a finish:

The WINTER 2024 UFO Club is now CLOSED!!  Participants MUST have listed (at least) FIVE projects. Photos should have accompanied the list. Sign-ups ended at midnight EST on January 7, 2024.

NOTE: All qualifying finishes must have been posted BEFORE midnight EST on March 31, 2024!!!

Membership (31):

doris7264: 2 completed projects
dzirin: 1 completed project
siberspinner: 1 completed project
fairfaxknitter: 2 completed projects
Trek15: 4 completed projects
amalberti: 2 completed projects
djaquilter: 3 completed projects
statsgeek: 5 completed projects
robobeagle: 4 completed projects
baaquilter: 1 completed project
gathersnomoss: 2 completed projects
mehitabel: 11 completed projects
montricot: 2 completed projects
tjsayers: 1 completed project
Lallison79: 5 completed projects
amquilt: 3 completed projects

Session Totals: 16 quilters completed 49 projects

Thank you to the 31 quilters who signed up to participate in the Winter 2024 UFO Club. I hope you all made at least a small amount of progress on a project or two. Congratulations to those of you who finished at least ONE project!

Congratulation to Mehitabel who was our Rock Star for this quarter by completing ELEVEN (11) projects! Congrats also to Statsgeek who posted her 5th finish of the session with just one day to spare! She was our Queen of the Last Minute this time.


The Spring 2024 (Ravelry) UFO Club is OPEN for sign-ups at THIS LINK.  YOU are invited join in the finishing fun.  Members must list 5 (or more) projects for participation. Sign-ups will close at Midnight (EDT) on Sunday, April, 7th!  Please drop me an email, if you find that you need help with the process.

Until next time...
Mark another UFO off the list!!!


  1. Wow! That is a lot of finishes. I wonder what the count will be completed for the spring quarter?

  2. Oh, darn you for yesterday's post... I might have cut some 2.5 inch parts tonight for some potato chips.

  3. Lordy I completely forgot to make that post🤣oh well maybe I'll keep up better on the next round🤣


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