Sunday, February 9, 2025

ProjectQUILTING - Season 16.3 - Common Blocks


Welcome to The Joyful Quilter!!  And... Welcome to the wonderful world of Project QUILTING hosted by Kim Lapacek @ Persimon Dreams!!  This is my 6th year of participation in the Challenge.  (Hard to believe its been that long!)  Trish Frankland @ QuiltChicken is the creator of the crazy challenges that participants will face during the next 6 weeks.

Sassy @ Farm Quilter got me started at the beginning of Season 11 by inviting her readers to join in the fun.  I accepted her invitation and the rest is history.  As I have for the past five years, I will be dragging along my friend LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color again this season, as she enjoys having a reason to stretch her creative wings.  Would YOU like to join me in this creative journey, too?  

FAIR WARNING:  It's a wild ride, but oh SEW rewarding!

Challenges are given and start to finish you have ONE WEEK to complete your project.  PQ 16.3 can be found at THIS LINK:

Step One...

Read the instructions to see what is required of the third challenge.  Here's what Trish had to say:

PQ 16.3 Common Blocks

Common blocks are the core foundation of our craft – these are the block designs that no one “invented,” instead they’re the legacy we’ve inherited from quilters through the ages. No one owns the copyright on a 16-patch block, or an Ohio star. They’re the basics that belong to us all.
This week, I want you to identify three separate common blocks to use in your finished piece. You may use more, if you wish!
Your project can contain much more – it’s not limited to just three blocks, or even to patchwork. Use your imagination and the solid launchpad of tradition, and let’s see where the week takes us!
We don’t have many rules, but please make sure you read through them and understand what’s going on.
But most of all, have fun!

Step Two...

Contemplate the possibilities.  How will I ever decide?

Why, Joyful???

There are SEW many options!  ANY "common block" is fair game.  The choices are going to be a challenge to narrow down to just three!

Step Three...

Procrastinate, as making my selections takes brain power that I find is in short supply.


Step Four...

Head to the studio to gather supplies:

I reached for my BLUE Quilted Scrap Baskets.  That's the Color of the Month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and it is my goal to incorporate it in my project:

Tutorial for these baskets can be found HERE.

Step Five...

Review the rules:

RULE ONE: You must incorporate three (3) common quilt blocks in your project.

You have one week to meet the challenge. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline – that is, started on or after February 2nd, 2025, and linked up by noon Central Time February 9th, 2025.
Each piece must stand alone as DONE to count.
Your project does not need to be a traditional quilt, but must meet at least one of these requirements: include patchwork, include appliqué, have 3 layers stitched together by hand or machine.

Incomplete or unfinished does not qualify. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline.  Link up on the PQ16.3 page by Sunday, February 9th at noon CST.

Step Six... Determine which 3 (or more) blocks to include!!!

Here is the list of possibilities:  Jack in the Box, Jewel Box, Old Maid's Puzzle, Ocean Waves, and Year's Favorite.  All of these were found at Patchwork Square.  We'll see what happens during the design process.  I'm off to draft them to the size I'd like.

Step Seven... PLAY!!!

As I began by sorting through my scraps, I looked for bits that caught my interest.  Not finding anything that jumped out at me, I recalled a bag of BLUE scraps that Maggie had given since the ago!

The colors were perfect and a portion of the work was already done for me.  Thank you for double-sewing these HSTs, Maggie!

Here is a bit of my construction process...

(Scroll down to the bottom of the post NOW, if you don't care to see a blow by blow of the making of my quilt.)

On Tuesday afternoon, I drew out my designs...

With my scrap bag of fabric in hand, I laid out the pieces needed.

Block One:

Block Two:

And Block Three:

On Wednesday afternoon, I squared up the Maggie-sewn HSTs:

While waiting for time to make dinner, I decided to start sewing:

By the end of the day this is what I had...

Two completed blocks and one partially completed block, but I forgot to take pictures before moving to the next step.  Sigh...

Thursday afternoon, I put the final block together and here is the set of them...

Then had a think about what to make with the three blocks.

Once that was determined, assembly began:

Friday's task was determining what I was making and deciding on a backing (lining)...

Finding a scrap of batting took no time at all. The was one that was just the right size sitting beside the pressing station.  Minutes later, the quilt was layered and basted:

Finishing tasks took place on Saturday with binding all the joins:

With 23 hours until the deadline my entry is...


I'm pleased to present my completed entry for PQ 16.3, shown in the series of photos below.

J = Jack in the Box

O = Old Maid's Puzzle

Y = Year's Favorite

Along with a plain square to fit the pieces together of my little Quilted Bucket together:

I used an orphan block for the exterior base...

And a quilt back offcut for the interior base:

There is usually a reason that I participate in these challenges...

... And this time, it's because I enjoy the challenge that ProjectQUILTING provides.  The prompts give me a jumping off point for using more of my fabric scraps!

There you have it...

Process, product, and the REAL reason for accepting this Challenge.

Follow THIS LINK to the Season 16 overview.  Check back on the Challenge release days (or sign-up to be notified automatically) and there may be one that YOU just can't resist.

It's a SHORT turnaround time!

Depending on the size and complexity of your project, that doesn't HAVE to be insurmountable.  With a little creativity and a few evenings, you really CAN do this!  My project 
was begun 2 days after the prompt was announced and was finished with nearly a full day to spare!  While my post was ready for release well ahead of the deadline, I have a thing about releasing my post on Sunday.  I hope you enjoyed seeing my process.

Until next time...
Challenge accepted!!!

Remember:  If I can do this, YOU can do it, too!

(Plus, there's a spot to post your completed Project QUILTING inspired projects AFTER the deadline for any of the challenges.)


  1. Very nice! Love those blues against the white. So pretty.

  2. Oh how I love a useful, practical project! A quilted basket is perfect for so many things in the sewing room. You've introduced me to a few new blocks and they are all so pretty! Great work, Joy!

  3. Pretty blocks and such a useful item to make, too! Great idea for Project Quilting, Joy!

  4. Very nice solution to the challenge!!! You rocked it!!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects


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