Friday, January 31, 2025

January 2025 - TABLE SCRAPS Challenge - Link Party

Welcome to the JANUARY 2025 edition of the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge here at the Joyful Quilter!!  I'll start with a little backstory, in case you are new here.  (Apologies to my regular readers since you already know all about it.) I'm a scrap quilter who had been setting up individual challenges for several years in conjunction with Angela's (RSC) Rainbow Scrap Challenge @ So Scrappy.  Participants from around the corner, across the country and around the world have been having SEW much fun and we all have MORE scraps to use, so I am pleased to offer the...

In 2025, we have a broad range of quilted items that are appropriate for linking to the Challenge.  Baskets and bins, along with pillows and pin cushions, are all qualifying projects.  Not just the toppers, runners, and mug rugs.  Basically, ANY quilted item qualifies.  The main premise is that you USE the (new or old) SCRAPS from your cutting table (or your friend's cutting table - since that's where the majority of my scraps come from!)

There will be a prompt each month to help get your creative juices flowing.  While you are NOT required to use it in your project, the guiding word will be revealed at the end of each month's LINK PARTY post.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the following month's focus.  It, along with the RSC Color of the Month (as soon as Angela releases it - around the 1st of the month.) will also be added to the 2025 TABLE SCRAPS Challenge page at the top of the blog.

The theme for January was:


Well, it's ProjectQUILTING season...

That means that I didn't have a moment to think about my project until week two during the "off week".  No project was due, so I decided to go ahead and figure out a plan of attack for my TABLE SCRAPS Challenge project.


Seven weeks ago, I broke a finger on my dominant hand.  :o((

That meant that I would need to do one of two things...

I either needed to do something with squares that were already cut or figure out something to applique.

First, I searched through my PINK Quilted Scrap Basket...

And selected these scraps as a jumping off point:

Then I thought about my favorite mug.  It was hand thrown by my SIL quite a few years ago.  In the middle of art journaling, I took out a scrap of paper, drew it from memory, and cut it out:

Here you can see a couple of the scraps I though worked best for the idea that began swirling around in my head.  The little quilt was all layered up and pin basted:

I gave this little sneak peek last week:

This is my completed project out in the snow on our back deck.  To me, there's not much cozier than a cup of hot tea:

For those who read my blog regularly, you might recognize this butterfly print...

As the fabric used on the cover of my latest Altered Book Journal that I've been using for Junk Journal January.  Now the journal has a companion mug rug:

What's next, Joyful???

Tomorrow the new month begins.  Angela announced the Color of the Month for February on her Rainbow Scrap Challenge post that went live on last Saturday.  She selected:


February's theme is:


NOTE:  I'm excited to see what YOU are inspired to create!  While I look forward to seeing what you might make using the prompt, you are NOT required to use the suggested theme!!  The main goal is using up some of your scraps.
And now...

It's time for YOU to link up your WARM BEVERAGE / ANYTHING Cozy and/or PINK project in the LINK PARTY below.  All entries MUST be submitted by Wednesday, February 5th @ 11:59PM (EST).

USE those table scraps!!!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wonderful Wednesday - PINK Donation Quilt - A Winter 2025 UFO Club Finish

Welcome to another edition of Wonderful Wednesday!!  I'm here to share my first UFO finish of 2025.  I completed the following quilt top some months ago for the 2024 Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  This is the story of its finishing.

If you're in the Quilters Knitting group on Ravelry you may have already seen it...

This donation quilt has been waiting a number of months for quilting.  When face with what to do at a recent Sew Day, starting a new project just didn't feel right for me.  Instead, I phoned a friend and she agreed to pin baste the 40" x 50" quilt for me.  Here is my sewing station as the work began, thanks to Britt:

I feel SEW lucky to have such a good friend!!

Here is the partially quilted top at the end of the day:

Ignore that bunchy part at the bottom of the photo!  I neglected to engage my machine's even feed foot before starting to quilt. I later ripped out the offending section and all was well.

Only a few steps left!!!

Over the next few days I chipped away at the remaining quilting, the squaring up, and the binding.  This was the only process photo during that time...

The last of the binding (which Britt had cut for me) had been completed:


Here is the porch swing photo:

I'm SEW glad that I was able to get this done during PINK month (and that I actually remembered to add it to the UFO List for the Winter 2025 UFO Club session!

Until next time...
Mark another UFO off the list!!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

16.2 Ombre


Welcome to The Joyful Quilter!!  And... Welcome to the wonderful world of Project QUILTING hosted by Kim Lapacek @ Persimon Dreams!!  This is my 6th year of participation in the Challenge.  Trish Frankland @ QuiltChicken is the creator of the crazy challenges that participants will face during the next 10 weeks.

Sassy @ Farm Quilter got me started at the beginning of Season 11 by inviting her readers to join in the fun.  I accepted her invitation and the rest is history.  As I have for the past five years, I will be dragging along my friend LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color again this season, as she enjoys having a reason to stretch her creative wings.  Would YOU like to join me in this creative journey, too?  

FAIR WARNING:  It's a wild ride, but oh SEW rewarding!

Challenges are given and start to finish you have ONE WEEK to complete your project.  PQ 16.2 can be found at THIS LINK:

Step One...

Read the instructions to see what is required of the second challenge.  Here's what Trish had to say:

PQ 16.2 Ombre

For this week’s challenge, we’re not working with a color, a theme, or even a block—instead, let’s play with a visual effect!
Ombre describes the color shift in value or hue between two points. Usually, that looks like a smooth range between two colors, or a gradient of one color from light to dark.
To help you visualize, I found a fun tool online at
In fabric, this can be done across the width of just one fabric, by carefully selecting a number of fabrics … or buying pre-arranged bundles of Cherrywood!

She continued with the following:

This week I want you to play with the visual effect of ombre.
You may choose to celebrate ombre with a shift of color across your project, through a block, or simply by using an ombre fabric to make anything you’d like. Hunter’s Design Studio offers a number of patterns written especially to maximize ombre patterns, as do other designers.
I can’t wait to see what kind of fun you make with this!
We don’t have many rules, but please make sure you read through them and understand what’s going on. If you have questions, ask. Join the Challenge Quilts group on Facebook for a lot of encouragement and inspiration.
But most of all, have fun!

Step Two...

Hmm... What will I do?!?!

Step Three...

I have an idea, but...

THREE DAYS have passed!!!

Step Four...

Gather supplies:

I pulled out my PINK Quilted Scrap Basket.  I like to include the Rainbow Scrap Challenge Color of the Month in my projects:

Tutorial for these baskets can be found HERE.

Step Five...

Review the rules:

RULE ONE: Your project must use an ombre or gradient.

You have one week to meet the challenge. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline – that is, started on or after January 19, 2025, and linked up by noon Central Time January 26, 2025.
Each piece must stand alone as DONE to count.
Your project does not need to be a traditional quilt, but must meet at least one of these requirements: include patchwork, include appliqué, have 3 layers stitched together by hand or machine.

Incomplete or unfinished does not qualify. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline.

Step Six... PLAY!!!

I began by sorting through my PINK strips and scrap chunks for something that felt right for what I had in mind for my idea, only to realize that I needed something a little plainer.

Here is a bit of my construction process...

(Scroll down to the bottom of the post NOW, if you don't care to see a blow by blow of the making of my quilt.)

I got out my new large gel plate:

These were the colors I chose:

The result was a bit mottled because I used too much paint on the plate:

Next came the layering, which is where the PINK scrap basket had another chance at providing a chunk for my quilt in the making.  This time for the backing:

Layered up, it was time for the quilting and I made quick work of it:

I took another look through the PINK basket for some binding strips, but strips cut from the chunk of backing seemed to work well.  My "Quilting Consultant" agreed that it looked good:

Thanks, Britt!

With THREE DAYS before the deadline my entry is...

DONE!!  I'm SEW pleased to present my completed entry for PQ 16.2:

There is usually a reason that I participate in these challenges...

... And this time, it was because the prompt gave me a chance to experiment with merging my quilting with a really fun art technique.  Next time, I need to remember to add less paint to the gel plate.  Maybe I will, maybe I won't, but I thoroughly enjoyed the attempt at monoprinting on fabric.

There you have it...

Process, product, and the REAL reason for accepting this Challenge.

Follow THIS LINK to the Season 16 overview.  Check back on the Challenge release days (or sign-up to be notified automatically) and there may be one that YOU just can't resist.

It's a SHORT turnaround time!

Depending on the size and complexity of your project, that doesn't HAVE to be insurmountable.  With a little creativity and a few evenings, you really CAN do this!  My project was begun shortly after the prompt was announce and was finished in record time. I can't believe it was done with 3 
full days to spare!  My post was ready for release 2 days prior to the deadline, but that's not what happened.  The post was complete, but I still waited to join the link up on Sunday morning.  (I have a thing about releasing my post on Sunday, but it was ready to join earlier this time around.)  I joined the Link Party with almost 4 hours to spare.

Until next time...
Challenge accepted!!!

Remember:  If I can do this, YOU can do it, too!

(Plus, there's a spot to post your completed Project QUILTING inspired projects AFTER the deadline for any of the challenges.)

Saturday, January 25, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC25 - Week 4

Welcome to Week 4 of the 2025 Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week should be back to normal.  We'll see what happens...

Here goes normal...


Weekly Morning Art Zoom found me working on the prompts for Dare to Roll, the new Roll the Dice game.  Prompt set one included stamp, circle, map, frame and crosshatch...

Set two's prompt list was thread/string/yarn, orange, tape, stripe, and blue:

After lunch, I was off to the hospital for a CT Scan which didn't take very long, so before I knew it, I was at Britt's for another ART-venture making Bubble Paper.  OK, so Britt made bubble paper and I worked on gathering inspiration for a few of the upcoming Junk Journal January prompts, along with making an alteration of the Altered Book Journal that I'm working in during the challenge:


After a quick stop at the deli, it was time for my Weekly Zoom with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:


There goes normal.  That didn't last long, did it?!  I was freezing when I got off my call with LeeAnna and blamed it on the cold water hydration drink that I had consumed.  I couldn't get warm all through dinner and then I noticed that I had a little headache, too.  That's when I went for the thermometer.

Yep!  I had a fever.  :o((

TUESDAY - Day Off / Sick Day

I spent the bulk of the day in bed with a headache and random fever.  I only managed one of the things I had hoped to accomplish. but it was a big win!  I had purchased a shoe organizer and installed it on the back of the studio bathroom door.  My paints are easy to see, are sorted by color, and the process cleared a space on the "art table" end of the large cutting table in the center of my studio:

 And then...

It started SNOWING after dinner!!!

WEDNESDAY - Work/Snow Day

The day started off as a delay and switched to the store being closed for the day.  For ONE INCH of snow?  Yep!  Unnecessarily, as it turned out that the roads were clear when I headed out to the pharmacy.

After lunch, I had some business to take care of and then headed up to the studio where I took care of several projects, including playing with my large gel plate...

And making a decision about how to finish the final prompt for The Ugly Art Club's 5 Minute BINGO challenge:


Once again, I had hoped to attend my (Weekly) Quilt Group meeting.  That didn't happen because the meeting was cancelled because EVERYONE opted out for one reason or another!  That left me open to join this week's Curiosity Collective on Get Messy.  We got a preview of today's Get Messy's Art-Making for Inner Awakening lesson with Jessica Swift whose main message is Art for Self-Care @jessicaswift and here is the journal page that I created:


I thought I was going to have today off work, but my co-worker wanted to switch days with me.  It was a good thing, since I wasn't feeling great on Tuesday.  It was COLD today, so I was pleased to see this screen saver pop up this morning sending warm vibes.  Oh, WAIT!!!  That's the heater my coworker brought in for us to use:

After dinner, I went upstairs for my Weekly Evening Art Zoom.  I worked on the TISSUE prompt for Junk Journal January:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  You go ahead, as I'm heading out to my Quarterly Quilt Bee meeting this morning.  We're having a Sew Day and I'll be working on a PINK scrappy UFO.

My apologies to my RSC Quilters friends for not visiting this week.  Between not feeling great and trying to get a few items checked off my To Do List, I simply couldn't manage it.  I have tiny bit of PINK scrap sewing to share:

That MIGHT be a sneak peek of my upcoming TABLE SCRAPS Challenge entry for Warm Beverage or Anything Cozy.  You know, there's still time to jump in.  The Link Party goes live on Friday, January 31st.  I hope to see YOU there!

Until next time...

Saturday, January 18, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC25 - Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week is an odd week with a number of appointments scheduled. If I'm able, I'd like to get a head start on this month's TABLE SCRAPS Challenge project.  I'm not sure how far I will get, but any progress will be good since it's ProjectQUILTING season and another prompt is coming up.

Here's how this week passed...


Weekly Morning Art Zoom found me working on the MAGAZINE prompt for Junk Journal January:

Later, I added paint and tried the "wipe away" technique of stenciling.  Alas, I added too much paint!  Words will be added when I figure out what I want to say:

MONDAY - Work Sick Day  :o((

After a nap, a light lunch and a little bit of art, it was time for my Weekly Zoom with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

TUESDAY - Day Off / Doctor Day

I was pleased to be able to attend the first Prompt Deck Playground Artist Date at Get Messy.  Here is the page that I created with some fluorescent gel prints:

WEDNESDAY - Day Off / Doctor Day

My day began bright and early, preparing for today's procedure.  I made it through with flying colors.  We made a quick stop at the store on the way home and then I went back to bed for a bit of rest before resuming my day.  Here I am after my post-procedure nap:

THURSDAY - Day Off / Doctor Day

I've been waiting for this appointment for a few months.  It will be interesting to see how it goes.  As a side note, I hope to get a check-up on my broken finger, as well.

I had hoped that would be followed by my (Weekly) Quilt Group meeting.  That didn't happen, but I got home just in time to join this week's Curiosity Collective on Get Messy.  We got a preview of today's lesson Landscape A Day with Viola Hortova @viola.artstudio and here is the journal page that I created:

News from the construction site...

The house next door had a SOLD sign out front this afternoon:

It's time to get serious about looking for new blinds for the studio!!  Sigh...

FRIDAY - Day Off

I thought I was going to have to work today, but I'm excited to be able to attend Knit Group for the second week in a row:

Errands after knitting and my Weekly Evening Art Zoom after dinner.  I worked on the background for my BALANCE spread for Junk Journal January:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  I thought I might have some PINK scrappy sewing to share.


I was wrong, but come back next week and I might have a sneak peek to share for my upcoming TABLE SCRAPS Challenge entry.  There's still time for YOU to jump in, too.  The Link Party goes live on January 31st.  Here are the fabrics scraps I plan to use:

Until next time...

Sunday, January 12, 2025

ProjectQUILTING - Season 16.1 - Mythical Creatures

Mythical Creatures

Welcome to The Joyful Quilter!!  And... Welcome to the wonderful world of Project QUILTING hosted by Kim Lapacek @ Persimon Dreams!!  This is my 5th year of participation in the Challenge.  Trish Frankland @ QuiltChicken is the creator of the crazy challenges that participants will face during the next 12 weeks.

Sassy @ Farm Quilter got me started at the beginning of Season 11 by inviting her readers to join in the fun.  I accepted her invitation and the rest is history.  I'm not sure if I will be dragging along my friend LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color for this season, as she has had some trouble with her machine recently.  Would YOU like to join me in this creative journey?  It seems that LeeAnna is up for the challenge, after all.  Yay!

BEWARE:  It's a wild ride, but oh SEW rewarding!

Challenges are given and start to finish you have ONE WEEK to complete your project.  PQ 16.1 can be found at THIS LINK:

Step One...

Read the instructions to see what is required of the first challenge.  Here's what Trish had to say:

PQ 16.1 Mythical Creatures

Around the globe – wherever people meet to share stories – you’ll find legends of mythical creatures. Tales of bloodsucking fiends, warnings of a boy who flew too close to the sun, and unconfirmed sightings of a thirty-point buck entertain us, bond us, and even teach a lesson.

And, while these stretch-of-the-imagination beings may not be real, they’re a huge part of our cultural landscape. You’ll find gargoyles in cathedral eves, gods and goddesses in public fountains, and an animated hero for kids of all ages.

This week, let’s find quilt inspiration in mythology. I am – once again – giving you creative permission to take that prompt in any direction you wish. Maybe a bag with mermaid-scale texture, a fire-breathing dragon quilt, or how about a horror-themed wall hanging for Halloween? Just follow the basic rules, found below!

Step Two...

Put on my thinking cap to come up with an idea that meets the challenge.

Do you have an appropriate fabric, Joyful???

Surely, I have something that will work.  Would it be breaking the rules to start with that and add a few orphan blocks?  I don't think so, since still have to design a quilt top using the pieces and parts.

Step Three...

Gather supplies:

I reached for my PINK Quilted Scrap Basket, as Angela from the Rainbow Scrap Challenge called that for January's Color of the Month.

Tutorial for these baskets can be found HERE.

Step Four...

Review the rules:

RULE ONE:  Find inspiration in a mythical creature.

You have one week to meet the challenge. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline – that is, started on or after January 5, 2025, and linked up by noon Central Time January 12, 2025.

Each piece must stand alone as DONE to count.
Your project does not need to be a traditional quilt, but must meet at least one of these requirements: include patchwork, include appliqué, have 3 layers stitched together by hand or machine.

Incomplete or unfinished does not qualify. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline.

Step Five... Any ideas, Joyful???

1. A small quilt using the Rainbow Scrap Challenge Color of the Month and this "dragon scale" fabric I found in my stash:

2. A small quilted item made using the same.

Step Six...PLAY!!!

Every quilt begins with a background, doesn't it?  I dug into my light neutral scrap baskets to find some white-on-white squares for background or sashing:

Here is a bit of my construction process...

(Scroll down to the bottom of the post NOW, if you don't care to see a blow by blow of the making of my quilt.)

Within an hour of the challenge's posting, this is the general layout, IF a quilt is the goal:

Where to next, Joyful???
That's a good question.

Keep reading...

I tested out a few layouts, first this way:

Then switched the variables around:

I think I've hit on the winning layout:

One final iteration with a larger center square proved to be the true winner:

After work on Thursday...

With just less than 3 days until the deadline, I stitched the quilt top together:

With more time remaining before dinner, I selected a backing fabric and a scrap of batting...

On Saturday morning...

I really didn't want to re-pin the center square, but since the top was placed sideways on the backing it was necessary:

Here's a closer look at that center square:

Things happened quickly from there and before I knew it, the time had arrived to apply the binding.  That's exactly what I'm doing in the photo shown below:

Wonder of wonders...

With nearly 22 hours to spare, I present my completed entry for PQ 16.1 out on our snow covered deck:

This is the backing that I selected from a bundle I received in my friend Dee Dee's recent destash:

Thank you, Dee Dee!  These flamingos felt just right for this little quilt.

There is usually a reason that I participate in these challenges...

... And this time, it was because I wanted to prove to myself that I could quilt with a broken finger still in a splint.  (I broke it 5 weeks ago and there are few splinted weeks remaining.)  Alas, I could only do straight line quilting, as my hand refused to provide enough pressure to move the quilt for free motion.

There you have it...

Process, product, and the REAL reason for accepting this Challenge.

Follow THIS LINK to the Season 16 overview.  Check back on the Challenge release days (or sign-up to be notified automatically) and there may be one that YOU just can't resist. I'm pleased to have joined the Link Party with 5 hours remaining until the deadline.  Yay, me!  :o))

Here is my Mythical Creatures entry hanging on the galley wire in my studio:

It's a SHORT turnaround time!

Depending on the size and complexity of your project, that doesn't HAVE to be insurmountable.  With a little creativity and a few evenings, you really CAN do this!  My project was planned out shortly after the prompt was announce but was finished with fewer than 24 hours until the deadline.  I managed to link up with more than a few hours to spare.  Quite a departure from many of my PQ entries. 

Until next time...
Challenge accepted!!!

Remember:  If I can do this, YOU can do it, too!

(Plus, there's a spot to post your completed Project QUILTING inspired projects AFTER the deadline for any of the challenges.)