Saturday, January 18, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC25 - Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week is an odd week with a number of appointments scheduled. If I'm able, I'd like to get a head start on this month's TABLE SCRAPS Challenge project.  I'm not sure how far I will get, but any progress will be good since it's ProjectQUILTING season and another prompt is coming up.

Here's how this week passed...


Weekly Morning Art Zoom found me working on the MAGAZINE prompt for Junk Journal January:

Later, I added paint and tried the "wipe away" technique of stenciling.  Alas, I added too much paint!  Words will be added when I figure out what I want to say:

MONDAY - Work Sick Day  :o((

After a nap, a light lunch and a little bit of art, it was time for my Weekly Zoom with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

TUESDAY - Day Off / Doctor Day

I was pleased to be able to attend the first Prompt Deck Playground Artist Date at Get Messy.  Here is the page that I created with some fluorescent gel prints:

WEDNESDAY - Day Off / Doctor Day

My day began bright and early, preparing for today's procedure.  I made it through with flying colors.  We made a quick stop at the store on the way home and then I went back to bed for a bit of rest before resuming my day.  Here I am after my post-procedure nap:

THURSDAY - Day Off / Doctor Day

I've been waiting for this appointment for a few months.  It will be interesting to see how it goes.  As a side note, I hope to get a check-up on my broken finger, as well.

I had hoped that would be followed by my (Weekly) Quilt Group meeting.  That didn't happen, but I got home just in time to join this week's Curiosity Collective on Get Messy.  We got a preview of today's lesson Landscape A Day with Viola Hortova @viola.artstudio and here is the journal page that I created:

News from the construction site...

The house next door had a SOLD sign out front this afternoon:

It's time to get serious about looking for new blinds for the studio!!  Sigh...

FRIDAY - Day Off

I thought I was going to have to work today, but I'm excited to be able to attend Knit Group for the second week in a row:

Errands after knitting and my Weekly Evening Art Zoom after dinner.  I worked on the background for my BALANCE spread for Junk Journal January:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  I thought I might have some PINK scrappy sewing to share.


I was wrong, but come back next week and I might have a sneak peek to share for my upcoming TABLE SCRAPS Challenge entry.  There's still time for YOU to jump in, too.  The Link Party goes live on January 31st.  Here are the fabrics scraps I plan to use:

Until next time...


  1. Hope you are recovering well after a busy week. Pretty fabrics to play with for the challenge.

  2. Sounds like an up and down week between sick days and art. Hope you have a good weekend :)

  3. You have had a busy week with a procedure and doctors visits. Hope you are feeling well now.

  4. Appointments do get in the way of having fun and being creative! Hope all went well. Those are some pretty pink scraps to play with, Joy - hope you have a chance to do some of that this coming week!

  5. I'm sorry to hear that sick days and doctor appointments had to take so much time away from creative pursuits. Fortunately at times like these, knowing what you have on deck puts you in the right mind for convalescing and speedy recoveries so you can get back to them. Will have to check out the Project Quilting prompt but will more likely just eagerly follow along to see what every one else does for it.

  6. You have some beautiful pinks picked out for your table scraps project this month. Glad that you are back up and about again.

  7. What a wonderful post...other than doc's visits of course but that sounds like it went well. Lots of happy faces to see here!

  8. I hope you're feeling better now, Joy. Looking forward to what you're going to do with those pinks!

  9. Pretty and bright projects! I hope you are getting better, sorry for your finger.


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