Sunday, March 23, 2025

ProjectQUILTING - PQ 16.6 - Button It Up


Welcome to The Joyful Quilter!!  And... Welcome to the wonderful world of Project QUILTING hosted by Kim Lapacek @ Persimon Dreams!!  This is my 6th year of participation in the Challenge.  Trish Frankland @ QuiltChicken is the creator of the crazy challenges that participants will face during the next week.

Sassy @ Farm Quilter got me started at the beginning of Season 11 by inviting her readers to join in the fun.  I accepted her invitation and the rest is history.  As I have for the past two years, I will be dragging along my friend LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color again this season, as she enjoys having a reason to stretch her creative wings.  Would YOU like to join me in this creative journey, too?  

FAIR WARNING:  It's a wild ride, but oh SEW rewarding!

Challenges are given and start to finish you have ONE WEEK to complete your project.  PQ 16.6 can be found at THIS LINK:

Step One...

Respond with a flash of excitement, as the Button It Up theme reminded me of a project that I have been wanting to revisit.  The gift, given a number of years ago, was damaged in a fire and this might be the perfect time to recreate it.

Step Two...

Shake my head in disbelief that it took me until 4 PM on Sunday to check the prompt for this week and then it took another hour before reading the instructions to see what is required of the sixth and final challenge of the season.  Here's what Trish had to say:


This week, we’re talking about closure. Get it done. Finish Things. I want you to “button it up” – both the season, and your one-week deadline!
What does the phrase “button it up” mean to you? Fastening clothing, or keeping your mouth shut? Mashing the elevator buttons or signing the final contract?
Political pins and band badges – those have always been my jam, and my ’80s jean jacket and ’90s backpack pledged endorsement to brands, bands and beliefs held strongly.
This week, your buttons can be literal or inspirational. You may use actual buttons in your project, or skip the notions and use the word/phrase as inspiration.
And don’t forget to have fun!

Step Three...

Head to the closet to see if I can find the fabric that I need for what I have in mind.

Why, Joyful???

Well, it's PERFECT for this project!  If I can locate it, it's just what I need to complete this challenge.

Step Four...

Check out the Scrap Station for additional supplies:


Tutorial for these baskets can be found HERE.


The "fabric" I was looking for wasn't a good fit for the project

Step Five...

Review the rules:

Rule One: Your project must be inspired by “button it up.”

You have one week to meet the challenge. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline – that is, started on or after March 16th, 2025, and linked up by noon Central Time March 23rd, 2025.
Each piece must stand alone as DONE to count.
Your project does not need to be a traditional quilt, but must meet at least one of these requirements: include patchwork, include appliqué, have 3 layers stitched together by hand or machine.

Incomplete or unfinished does not qualify. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline.

Step Six... Get to work!!!

I began by heading to my local thrift shop to see if there was something more appropriate.  I found two good option from which to choose:

After laundering, this one was the clear choice:

Here is a bit of my construction process...

(Scroll down to the bottom of the post NOW, if you don't care to see a blow by blow of the making of my quilt.)

Step Seven... Play!!!

I was on such a roll with the planning portion of the project that I completely neglected to take any process pictures.  The photo below shows the quilted panel that was incorporated into my project:

This one shows the button closure:

With only ONE day until the deadline...

I'm SEW pleased to present my completed entry for PQ 15.6 shown on our porch swing...

As well as a photo from a different angle and at the shady end of the porch:

There is usually a reason that I participate in these challenges...

... As I mentioned earlier, this time it was because I've been waiting for a reason to remake that special gift that perished in a house fire.  This prompt was the spur that I needed.  Thank you, ProjectQUILTING!!  The replacement pillow is ready for gifting:

There you have it...

Process, product, and the REAL reason for accepting this Challenge.

Follow THIS LINK to the Season 16 overview.  Check back on the Challenge release days (or sign-up to be notified automatically) and there may be one that YOU just can't resist.

It's a SHORT turnaround time!

Depending on the size and complexity of your project, that doesn't HAVE to be insurmountable.  With a little creativity and a few evenings, you really CAN do this!  My project 
was begun 6 days after the prompt was released and was finished with approximately 24 hours to spare!  My post, however, wasn't ready for release until 3 hours before the Link Party was set to close.  I'm just glad that I managed to complete my entry and accompanying post in time to join Kim's final challenge of Season 16.

Until next time...
Challenge accepted!!!

Remember:  If I can do this, YOU can do it, too!

(Plus, there's a spot to post your completed Project QUILTING inspired projects AFTER the deadline for any of the challenges.)


  1. What a special finish to this challenge!!! Well done!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  2. That's a fun answer to the challenge! Did you use the two front pieces, buttoned up, to make the whole pillow cover? I haven't tried making anything from a man's shirt, but love seeing what you did, Joy!

  3. That's a great one, and will be cherished


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