Saturday, March 15, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC25 - Week 11

Welcome to Week 11 of the 2025 Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week is all about resting and taking time for my surgical recovery.  If I manage to get up to the studio for a few minutes each day, that will feel like icing on the proverbial cake.  Will it happen?

Only time will tell...

SUNDAY - Recovery Day 2

I stopped by my Weekly Morning Art Zoom for a little while this morning... from my living room sofa.  It was only for a short visit, but longer than Friday night's visit so I considered it a win.  By the time my 15 minutes were up, I was ready for a nap!

MONDAY - Recovery Day 3

I haven't been up to the studio since Thursday!  I really wanted to fix that since Prompt Deck Playground was planned for the midday so I dragged myself up there.  Our fearless leader pulled the following cards for us to gather supplies: Color Card No. 011 - paint straight out of the tube, Medium Card No. 067 - washi tape, and Artist Card No. 115 - Johanna Clough - use papers with torn edges.  To these she added three more cards as we played in our journals.  The additions?  Card No. 028 - grids, Card No. 089 - List of Tiny Delights, and Card No. 056 - Set a 10 minute timer and STOP, no matter what.  Here is the page I created in my Get Messy Hangout Journal using a portion of the large piece made in last week's lesson with Brooke Henry:

It was good to do a bit of art, but afterwards, I went straight in for a nap!

Recovery Day 4

The other night I had and idea for my March entry for the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge.  Once again, I climbed up the stairs this morning to choose some YELLOW fabric. No decisions were made so there's no photo to share.

Here's what's happening in construction news today.  Prep for roofing the next 3 houses:

WEDNESDAY - Recovery Day 5

A pleasant surprise when I went out on the front porch.  Flowers blooming today...

Today's trip up to the studio found me enjoying my Weekly Zoom Call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

This afternoon we got more new neighbors:

THURSDAY - Recovery Day 6

Well... I've been mostly out of commission for nearly a week.  I really wanted to try leaving the house.  Alas, that didn't happen!  Instead, I went upstairs to find that it's roofing day at the construction site next door...

But the purpose of my climb was for Curiosity Collective at Get Messy.  I wanted to take in today's lesson with Amanda @amandswork on IG. Here's what I made in revisiting my gel print landscape work. The circles/bubbles came from Amanda's journal spread and were included to remind myself that play is the most important part of my art exploration:

Moving right along on my 2nd blue sock.  The 1st one has been waiting for its match:

FRIDAY - Recovery Day 7

Members of my Knit Group attended Carolina Fiber Festival in Raleigh today.  I had hoped that I might be able to go with them, but that didn't happen.  Here are the friends who enjoyed the outing...

While I did some mixed media work with my friends at Get Messy.  I worked on the following project during this afternoon's Open Studio and my Evening Art Zoom, but the final reveal of this gel print on fabric will come a bit later:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  There's no YELLOW sewing for me to share this week.

Until next time...


  1. Glad you are recovering, even if it’s not at the pace you’d prefer.

  2. You're doing good going up and down the stairs to your studio! :)

  3. Flowers blooming - that's a great sight! Hope you're feeling better each day, Joy.

  4. It's so hard to be good & recover, but sounds like you are balancing it all well by resting & doing a little bit. And blooming flowers is always a plus. Keep taking care of yourself & knitting socks!

  5. So glad you are recovering. Take it easy, don't overdo! (I know that is easy to say! lol). You'll feel better each day. Good you are able to walk the stair to your studio and be creative, it helps our mood. Do take care and speedy recovery, Joy!

  6. Sorry you have roofing noise to deal with while recovering but thankfully you are getting better & better with each new day. The painting is very pretty and too bad about not diving into yellow TSC fabrics this week. There's still two more weeks of March!

  7. You were pretty busy for a gal that was supposed to be resting and recovering. LOL But being creative probably helps the healing.

  8. takes time, tincture of time, to recover from removing an organ that's been there from babyhood, from your body
    betcha this week will see you in studio more
    Love, LeeAnna

  9. Glad you are listening to your body and recovering well. Hopefully, you will be back on your feet soon.

  10. Hope this next week is even better for you. Recovery takes time and I'm glad you are giving your body that time. ~Jeanne


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