Saturday, March 22, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC25 - Week 12

WARNING:  Photo Heavy Post!!!
Welcome to Week 12 of the 2025 Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week is my re-entry into the "real world" and I'm not sure what that will mean for my YELLOW scrap sewing.

Read on to find out...

SUNDAY - Recovery Day 9

Today's Weekly Morning Art Zoom was Dare to Roll.  The following prompts were provided - pens, inks, stitching, write it, make some collage fodder, and pocket in Set One.  The top half of the page below was my response:

For Set Two - fabric, sprays, stencils, write it, unique attachment, and tag were the prompts rolled.  The lower half of the page above is what I created.

Britt and I stayed to chat for a few minutes after the others left to go about their day:

I grabbed a quick lunch and headed back upstairs for the opening of the BB Bash with Brooke Henry:

MONDAY - Recovery Day 10

Happy St. Patrick's Day, friends!  I wore my hand knit green socks and...

Of course, I had my Shamrock Surprise jacket on when I went to the local thrift store for my first post-surgical drive.  It's close, so if the drive was terrible I could just turn around and head home:

This is what I made during this afternoon's BB Bash Live call:

The forsythia are blooming in North Carolina.  I thought I'd share a photo for my RSC Quilter friends: 

Since my test drive went well, I went to my Quilt Guild meeting tonight:

Our speaker was Susan Brubaker Knapp:

Day Off

This morning I did a load of laundry, which included the "fabric" purchased during yesterday's thrift shopping trip

While the clothes were waking, I  added the final stitches to my new blue socks: 

Once the laundry was dry, "processing" the shirt came next:


After work I made a quick stop at the grocery store and headed home for my Weekly Zoom Call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

Since I finished the sock I was knitting during my post-surgical recovery time, I decided to look for DK weight yarn for my next pair of socks.  I'm doing a test knit of the Lucky 13 Socks by my friend Tracy @onwoolenpond.  Here is the yarn I've chosen:


The construction crews at the neighborhood next door were busy today finishing up the roof on one of the two houses in the
cul-de-sac and I'm guessing the added the sidewalks, too:

While at work, I was wishing I was at home sewing.  Here's a bit of  (Firefly) YELLOW for my RSC Quilter friends.  It's one of several new colors available in our YETI offerings:

Art Zoom with Britt after dinner, since we both missed Curiosity Collective today and thought it might be nice to work on Meg's Daily Depth lesson together:

FRIDAY - Day Off

That meant that I spent the morning at Knit Group with these three friends:

It was Linda's last day, so I brought along my latest Quilted Yarn Bowl for her to take with her to her new home...

As we chatted, I hand wound the yarn selected for my next pair of socks...

It looks quite a bit different all wound up:

Later, during Get Messy's Open Studio time, I did the next step of Meg's lesson:

After dinner, I went upstairs for my Weekly Evening Art Zoom, where I cut the holes in the pages and put the finishing touches on the journal spread for Meg's lesson, including adding stitching to the page...

Then I added the leftover bits to a page in my Get Messy Hangout Journal:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  Here is the ONLY scrappy YELLOW sewing I did this week...

Your eyes are not deceiving you if all you see is a YELLOW starter/stopper.  The March Color of the Month just didn't work for the project I had in mind.  Perhaps, there will be more next week.

This afternoon, I finished off my week with a Zoom call with Knittingsuek:

Until next time...


  1. Happy you are feeling well and getting out and about! :)

  2. So happy to see you are recovering well from the surgery. Being surrounded by friends always help. Love the green shamrock jacket. So cute! and the green socks. Funny you mentioned that as I talk about socks on my post too. I love those blue shoes too. Wish I could find something like that for work. They look so comfy. I had to click on the picture to see the yellow you are sewing. Lol. Yep, I did sew more than you this time. Lol. Enjoy! ;^)

  3. I love your Shamrock green socks, Joy! The new yarn is going to make some neat ones, too. Hope you're feeling good, and that going back to work went well.


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