Welcome to another edition of Wonderful Wednesday!! If you've visited here before, you've heard of Kevin the Quilter. I am absolutely in love with him!! He hosts Scrap Club near his home (well... he did before covid) and he finally agreed to go virtual. You KNOW that I love scraps, right?!?!?!
How could I resist his very first Mystery? You can find the Sapphire Stars QAL Announcement can be found HERE. In looking at Kevin's post, you will notice that this QAL took place during the summer of 2017. I had fully intended to keep up and release a single post for the entire Mystery. Alas, that didn't happen...
Sorry, Kevin!!!
The good news is that the clues are still available over on Kevin's blog. YOU can head over to make your very own quilt or better yet, a QOV (Quilt of Valor.)
I got off to a great start...
Sapphire Stars Mystery Clue #1 shared the cutting:
It also instructed participants on the first bit of sewing:
Light followed by dark corners:
And the sewing:
Plus trimming up before pressing, and even MORE trimming:
Clue #2 felt like a LONG time coming!! FINALLY, the release day came and then began the sorting of the mounds of scraps:
Hard to believe that ALL THIS was jammed into those baskets:
HERE are the pieces that I cut from about HALF of those scraps:
Hard to believe that ALL THIS was jammed into those baskets:
HERE are the pieces that I cut from about HALF of those scraps:
Clue #3 (would have) had me jumping through some hoops! At least, the use of the Tri-Recs Tool usually makes me feel that way. At this point, I had some other projects in the works and this is the one that got pushed aside. :o((
Surprise Clue!!!
Thanks for the extra clue, Kevin... Goodness knows, I wasn't far enough behind the rest of the Mystery makers. :P
Clue #4 saw the construction of "Up on the Housetop" blocks. This would have been an easy clue, but this is where I really got side tracked. Zero blocks were completed. Sigh...
Thanks for the extra clue, Kevin... Goodness knows, I wasn't far enough behind the rest of the Mystery makers. :P
Clue #4 saw the construction of "Up on the Housetop" blocks. This would have been an easy clue, but this is where I really got side tracked. Zero blocks were completed. Sigh...
Clue #5 was the final clue (for the interior of the quilt.) It was another challenging set of instructions (in my opinion.) Quite manageable once you take the time to "wrap your head around it"... IF the time had been taken to actually SEW this step!
Shortly thereafter, Kevin released the assembly instructions and finishing details.
Shortly thereafter, Kevin released the assembly instructions and finishing details.
A portion of Sapphire Stars, The Conclusion was worked on at Mountain Quilt Camp in October 2017. First, I assembled Star centers (like a good little mystery maker):
Then, side borders were sewn:
My stacks of fabrics

Go visit THIS POST to get a better look at Kevin's quilt. One of these days, I'll post a photo of MY completed quilt... whenever it is that I finally finish it!
Oh, wait!! That time is now...
Summer 2020 brought many new things, including a nasty virus, a new vocabulary, and a new layout for my accumulated pieces and parts of this project. One that was on my Summer 2020 (Ravelry) UFO Club List.
The photo below was taken last week, as I was sewing down the binding:
What better project to finish during RED month at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge??? The was PLENTY of the Color of the Month in this 3 year-old quilting project:
My completed quilt with the Blackeyed Susans...
... With the "immortal" iris...
... And with the RED Charger:
A different angle of my quilt, Sapphires. No Stars. for your viewing pleasure:
37" x 43.5"
I don't currently have a purpose for this quilt. It began in support of my friend Kevin the Quilter's fledgling teaching career. It was (finally) finished just to get it off my table! Now that it's done, it will wait for its higher purpose. You know, other than simply using up some scrap fabrics! Whether it ends up as a donation, gift, or a throw for our patriotic-themed family room, I'm SEW happy that it's DONE. Maybe it will end up as a "car quilt" for a classic. :o))
Just after finishing this post, I found the following donation opportunity (one of several in a post filled with Oregon Wildfire 2020 Quilts information) posted by Lori @ Humble Quilts:
100 quilts went to Talent And Phoenix Elementary school children today. Still need another 350 twin or lap size so every child who has lost their home will have something to snuggle with. Then we will try to serve the middle and high school kids. Please help by sending new or barely used quilts to Sew Creative Ashland at 115 East Main St. Ashland, Oregon 97520
My quilt would be about the right size for a child's snuggle quilt. It didn't take long to realize that this was where my little quilt was destined to be. Off it goes! :o))
Sharing with Alycia
Until next time...
Unearth a UFO!!!