Scrap Attack 2018, A Year of Serious Scrap Busting
That was the title of my opening post when I expressed my intentions to play along with Sarah from Confessions of a Fabric Addict. She introduced the challenge at the bottom of THIS POST. As soon as I read about it, I decided that I really needed to participate! My goal list was included HERE.
While I didn't join in Sarah's link-ups, I did report my progress on the blog monthly. That's fine for my regular followers, but I thought it might be fun to show my success for the year in a single post. Be warned, there were a few FAILS, as well.
Are you ready?!
I marked through each entry as it was chosen (starting in the 2nd half of the year), but removed the marks to allow you to see what each goal entailed. Each month the goals received a CHECK!! or a FAIL!! when I reported my results. I've included the month that each job was pulled and photos of the completed tasks for the year.
HERE is my Scrap Attack list:
1. Choose a quilt to donate and mail to Covered in Love! (Chosen, but not mailed.)

Updated, from Kat & Cat Quilts, completed:

Thank you to Kathy for completing this for Covered in Love!
2. Per Sarah, Work on a Double Wedding Ring (my antique)

3. Thanks to Mel, Do SOMETHING with Christmas scraps!

4. Like Katie, Sew the bucket of Bonus HSTs from Ruth S.

5. Reminded by Anita SS, Make more Tiny Nines blocks. (One is MORE!)

6. City Mouse suggested small scraps, Cut from the Utz jar.

7. Chantal is organizing, Label / inventory UFOs bins!
Well, I didn't do that, but I earned BONUS POINTS for this special scrappy gift:

8. Sharon is working with the RSC, Work in the month's color.

9. Paula picked cutting, Choose a Sizzix die and wind out! (The machine was ready, but I couldn't find the die. I did use scraps, though.)

10. Britt ordered, Organize/label scraps under the longarm.
11. Britt proposed, Make MORE scrappy yarn bowls.

12. Britt indicated, Try making Dee Dee's Scrap Scarf!
I was too busy preparing for TWO retreats. I did use scraps for these:
Thank you to those quilters who inspired my Scrap Attack goal list. I appreciate the assistance. I added a secondary list, in case I had extra time or enthusiasm in any given month:
1. Give away a big bag of scraps like Sarah!

2. Sew up some String blocks like Mel. (Oops! I misremembered the goal.)

3. Make a "Fiona" Scrap Basket like Chantal. FAIL-ISH! (I make basket parts, just not the actual basket.)

However, I did use additional scraps to make this:

4. Piece batting scraps for a Donation Quilt like Anita SS.

Updated photo of the completed project with said pieced batting:

5. Try making something with selvages like City Mouse. FAIL-ISH!! (Sewn, but not completed during the month.)

Here is an updated photo to show the completed project, a few months later, even though the colors are a bit off:
6. Make something with gifted scraps like Sharon.

7. Pull a scrap bag and start trimming like Paula!

I would have been more productive, but I was too busy staring at this view:

8. Plan a quilt with T-scraps like Sarah. (It's planned, but not completed.)

9. Sort and make something with Orange scraps like Mel.

10. Cut Triangles like Chantal.

11. Make a Thread Catcher out of Batik scraps. (All me!) - (Oops! I made the wrong thing, but I still called it a WIN!)

12. Make mug rug out of random scraps. (All me!)

Updated, for the posted outcome:
Again, THIS is where you will find the links to those who inspired the listed items can be found in my original Scrap Attack post.
Thank you, Sarah, for hosting the Scrap Attack Challenge. Overall, I would say that I did a GREAT job on attaining my goals. I definitely worked my way through quite a lot of fabric bits!
Until next time...
Attack those SCRAPS!!!