Saturday, December 29, 2018

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC18 - Week 52

Welcome to Week 52 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  Unless I mislabeled a post during the year, this is the FINAL week of RSC18.  I hope YOU had a good one.  Was it filled with frantic end-of-the-year sewing?

Here's how mine went...

SUNDAY - Would someone PLEASE tell me how Mt. Washmore and trips to the grocery store must be done EVERY week?!?!  

Sigh...  Time to focus on puppy dogs... and rainbows:

MONDAYHo! Ho! Ho!!!  Santa may be getting ready to take a wild ride on his sleigh, but at my house... It's holiday baking day!

THIS is the way my Pumpkin Pie is SUPPOSED to look:

And it was DELICIOUS, too!!!

Mystery Monday Link-Up, Part 5 can be found HERE.  Are YOU sewing along with Bonnie Hunter and hundreds of quilters around the globe?

TUESDAY - Merry Christmas (to ask who celebrate!)  Peace.  Love.  And all that stuff.  I received this adorable hand knit ornament from my friend, Tracy:

Tracy knit it (and several others like it) from her holiday yarn scraps to give as part of her gift for each member of our Girls Night Out group.  We meet for dinner and knitting once a month.

BEST Christmas dinner EVER!!!  We gobbled it all up, so you don't get to see the fully laden table.  Here's a picture of Grandma's minimalistic holiday decorations:

WEDNESDAY - Rocker assembly maintenance?  Check!!  My service technician is home for the holidays:

THURSDAY - I have a sad.  A sad and lonely (hand knit) mitt:

WHY do you have a sad and lonely (hand knit) mitt, Joyful???

Well, that would be because I had an idiot attack before lunch.  I left them on the top of the car (like I didn't have pockets?!) to take care of something, finished with that, then got in the car and drove away.  Never remembering that my mitts were up there.  Atop the car.  Alone.  And holding on for dear life!

I didn't think anything about it until I was almost home.  That was when I saw something GREEN in the middle of the road.  I drove past it and suddenly realized what it was (and how it came to be there..)  Picture me.  Slamming on brakes and jumping out of the car to retrieve the mitt.  After lunch, I retraced my entire route...

No second mitt was found.

On a happy note...

Look what DH and DS1 did in the studio last night:

Since "The Beast" moved into the studio 2 years ago (?!), I've been asking to have this unique "drawer system" moved from the longarming to the sewing side of the room.  Merry Christmas!  :o))

I'll post about these again, when I get all the "stuff" back on them.  There may be a few alterations necessary, in order to get full use out of the piece.  I plan on putting some thought into that over the next few days.  A friend suggested another solution to some of the "wasted" space in the design.  More on that later...
FRIDAY - Happy day!!!  Knit Group was followed by a Sew Day over at Needleb's house.  She even fed me lunch!  :o))

I started the heel on my sock at knitting, but I'm afraid that it may have gone horribly wrong.  That's ok, though.  I know how to frog.

As for the sewing, this was likely our final Sew Day of the year.  It was very productive.  I finished off some secret sewing (which you can't see) and made a new custom knife roll from start to finish.

All rolled up and ready to gift:

Ties untied to release the roll:

Here is a better shot of the interior fabric:

Photo Currently Unavailable!

Needleb worked on a variety of small projects and finished out the day working on this experimental piece:

SATURDAY - It's the LAST time this year that I'm going to say this (during 2018.)  It's LINK PARTY day over on the So Scrappy blog.  Head over to see how many more of the RSC Quilters posted a Year-End special post.  There were SEW many beautiful RSC quilts completed during the year! and there may be a few more.  Ready.  Set?  GO!!!

Until next time...


  1. Oh so sorry you lost your other glove, that is such a pretty green. I found lots of lost gloves. I cleaned out the hall coat closet and got lots of "oh that's where those gloves were!" comments. Have a very happy New Year!

  2. Wow! Your pumpkin pie is P E R F E C T!!! Love your new drawer system. Can't wait to see what you put in there. Sad, sad, glove. It's a gorgeous color. If I saw it on the road I would have picked it up. I LOVE those half glove things now that I'm addicted to the runners' shirts that have the hole in the sleeve so that the top of my hands don't get cold and I'm not even close to being a runner. LOL. The ornament gift is adorable!!! What a great week, Joy! Looking forward to 2019!

  3. That is too bad about your pretty green glove... I guess you'll just have to make another set! :) Glad you had a yummy Christmas, and wishing you a great 2019!

  4. Last scrappy Saturday of 2018. Soon to be followed though by the first one of 2019. So sad about your lost mitt.

  5. That's a yummy looking pie you've got. I can almost smell it. Mmmmm! Too bad for the lost mitt. There's a project for 2019 in all this; make one mitt in green. All the best for 2019. ;^)

  6. how sad about the glove but how fun is your blog

  7. Perhaps the lost mitten will become a warm shelter for some lonely little creature beside the road. God bless you and your family in the New year, Joy.

  8. I’m sorry about the lost mitt. Merry Christmas and happy new year!


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