Saturday, February 15, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC 2025 - Week 7

Welcome to Week 7 of the 2025 Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week is a(nother) 2-day work week so I'm hoping that will translate into some sewing time, but we'll just have to see about that.

Read on, if you are curious as to what transpired...

SUNDAY - Weekly Morning Art Zoom found me catching up on the LINE prompt from Junk Journal January:

Britt and I stayed after for a quick chat...

 About my Blue UFO and my plan to have the borders added soon:

MONDAY - Day Off

I was in and out half the day with several necessary errands to run and then I was sewing all afternoon.


I made a quick trip to Britt's to drop off may quilt and took care of a couple other errands while there, but once I got home, I found that Prompt Deck Playground had been postponed.  That left me free to go on a scrap hunt for fabrics for our 2025 Bee Challenge.  I spy some BLUE scraps in the giant tub of batiks:

After Kristen @ Scrap Fabric Love released the video for her Scrappy Strips QAL, I brought out my BLUE Quilted Scrap Baskets and...

Started cutting the required pieces for this month's RSC Donation quilt:

WEDNESDAY - Final day of my 8-day staycation.  What a wonderful time I had!  I began cutting the background pieces for the Scrappy Strips QAL and took a break for my Weekly Zoom call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:


My work computer apparently got the message that it's BLUE month at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge because this was today's home screen:

After work, I had to make a stop at the grocery store where I found a fresh supply of my favorite brand of "lip stuff" in a different variety at only $1.36/tube:

When I returned home, I went straight up to the studio to do MORE neutral cutting for the BLUE Donation quilt:


These lovely flowers arrived with my husband in tow:

At tonight's Weekly Evening Art Zoom I did a whole lot of nothing before settling down to finish up one of the remaining pages from Junk Journal January.  This time it was the CRUMPLED prompt that captured my imagination.  It's hard to see, but I crumpled the paper used for the "sky" in this landscape collage:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  I'll be along later, as I've got a lot to do today - including writing up my post.  (Yikes!)

This morning, Britt and I had a planning meeting about my BLUE quilting UFO.  She had the backing loaded on her longarm and the top was draped across with an array of stitch pattern selections laid out for my final choice:

 After lunch, I did some art.  This week's Get Messy class Unfiltered Expression from Laura Dame @lauramixedmedia was fun and freeing:

Later, Knittingsuek and I enjoyed our Weekly Zoom call and then I was back to cutting more pieces for the QAL:

Until next time...


  1. I'm eager to see how the blue/neutral quilt comes out. You have chosen some pretty blue fabrics to use.

  2. Yay! a SAL. Love them -- have fun!

  3. Lots of pretty blue in your post this week, Joy! A finished blue UFO and a scrappy qal - both sound good. Hope you're having a good week!


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