Saturday, April 27, 2024

ScrapHappySaturday - RSC24 - Week 17

Welcome to Week17 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week felt like a big blur with all of the regular activities and some artsy things thrown into the mix.

Here's how the days passed...

My week began with some art.  The first drawing/painting on the journal page below was created during a class hangout on Get Messy.  The second one was done during my Weekly Morning Art Zoom:

The background scribbles were added while waiting for my Weekly Zoom call with Knittingsuek:


Today was my day off work.  It was filled with errands and not a minute to spare.  I did shoehorn in a moment to snap the following photo of an unidentified plant in my garden with my RSC Quilters friends in mind.  The centers are YELLOW which April's Color of the Month...

These Iris were just planted last Fall.  I was surprised to see them blooming:

WEDNESDAY - The Guest Blogger(s)

Another day off and I spent some time in the garden planting a number of plants that my friend had set aside for me.  (Thanks, Dee Dee!)  The hope is that they will happily spread and camouflage the stump of a fallen tree.  I realize this doesn't make for a great picture and it may be difficult to distinguish the new plants from the weeds.  Just look for the disturbed clay in the photo below:

In neighborhood construction news...

Doors and windows were delivered for the first four houses this morning:

After gardening and yet another errand, I enjoyed my Weekly Zoom call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:


Afterwards, I stopped by home to find that another new house popped up today.  It's the first one they've added on the other side of the street:

Once home, I worked on this art journal page from a lesson with @ivynewport:


Grabbed a quick bite to eat before heading out to my Monthly Evening Quilt Bee meeting with the following in attendance...


What an ordeal it was actually getting to the meeting!  I "lost" my water bottle and searched the house for it...  And the car,  TWICE, because the first time I had something in my hands to drop in the seat and FORGOT that I had gone out to look for something!!  Apparently, I left it at work, which is completely unheard of.  I carry that thing with me EVERYWHERE!!  :o((


Today, the construction crew added a roof to the house that went up yesterday, but they didn't manage to finish wrapping the downstairs:

Tonight, during my Weekly Evening Art Zoom, I did some more work on this little quilt:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week and just so you know, her "soft announcement" for the May Color of the Month is:


I think that's a great color for the upcoming month, but let's close out this post with the little bit of YELLOW sewing that I did this week:

I hope you will follow the links for this week's posts on the entries for Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, if you didn't see them already.


Thanks SEW much for stopping by!  Please accept my apologies if you didn't receive replies (or received duplicate replies) to any comments you might have left recently, as Blogger's "Notify Me" button was broken and before I realized it, my normal method for responding got all mixed up.

Until next time...


  1. I pretty much take a water bottle everywhere, too - it is frustrating to misplace it! (Ask me how I know!) Love that little sun in the corner of your table scraps project. Have a great Sunday, Joy!

  2. I like the background scribbles on your journal page. The flowers from the unidentified plant is lovely. Did you find out more about it? Have a great week, Joy!


  3. Ohhh, you are one busy, social quilter!!! So much fun going on in your quilt world and blog!!!


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