Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The 100 Day Project - #100Days100ThingsDecluttered - Week 7

Welcome to Week 7 of the #100Days100ThingsDecluttered new mini-series here on The Joyful Quilter!!  I started The 100 Day Project on February 18th.  I'm still shocked that I finally committed to it.  It's particularly popular on Instagram.  I have been hesitant to participate before now.  I'm releasing weekly updates for those of you who might be interested in seeing what goes out the door.  (This one just didn't get scheduled properly so you are seeing it a little later than normal.)

What's your project, again, Joyful???

I signed up with a different idea in mind than most.  You can read about it HERE.  That link will tell you all about my project.

While I have met my goal...

I'm NOT stopping there!!  I am continuing to declutter my home and studio for the entirety of the 100 Day Project.  I still need to free up MORE space for more creativity.

Here's my progress for Week Seven from all around the house, studio and garage:

20 mailer envelopes

Week 7 Total: 20/100

Updated Project Total:  140/100

Thank you to those of you who encouraged me in my decluttering efforts last week!  I appreciate your kind comments and your willingness to cheer me along!  Carole @ From My Carolina Home blog reported the following:

I made progress on my goal to get rid of 100 things - 10 clothing items, a set of 8 bowls, 6 knickknack and 2 platters to the thrift store. 26 more items gets me almost halfway to the goal. Whooppee! Still need to work more in the kitchen and basement.

This was my response:
  1. Excellent, Carole!! I keep saying that I'm going to have a go at my closet, but haven't done a thorough job of it yet. You've already passed me there! Best of luck in the kitchen and the basement. Thankfully, we don't have one of those to purge... The garage is enough!

In case you have notice a theme...

You're right.  I still haven't managed to focus on my closet clean-out, but come back next week to see what goes in the box during the next 7 days.  I'll be in the closet to pack for a trip so I won't have any excuse!


You can follow me on Instagram @thejoyfulquilter.

Until next time...
Do the 100 Day Project!!!


  1. You are doing a great job!!!! I'm impressed by your stick-to-it-ness! ~Jeanne

  2. Why do we keep old envelops? I'm the same; I keep them too. But why? Good job, Joy. ;^)

  3. Impressive!! I am scared of my closet haha! Good luck in yours!


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