Sunday, February 27, 2022

Sew Some Love Sunday - CiL - Jan/Feb Block Drive

Welcome to another edition of Sew Some Love Sunday!!  It's been a VERY long time since I've been able to do any charity sewing.  When I saw Kat's announcement about the January/February Block Drive (during the 1st week of 2022!), I knew that I wanted to participate.  I'm a big fan of Covered in Love, but other projects distracted me until last week.

Last Sunday...

I found myself up in the studio waiting for the "workmen" to arrive, as this was scheduled to happen:

I decided that I had time to (at the very least) cut a background square (that's a whole story in itself!) and start sewing with some of the scraps scattered across my cutting table:

The photo below gives you a peek at what the foundation square looks like:

I was happily sewing along when...

For some unknown reason...

My needle broke:

I had recently put in a new needle.  My very LAST needle in the pack!  I found a couple of used ones to try, but one was crooked and the other one "thumped" too much, so I set the project aside after choosing the next few strips I wanted to add - once I got a new package of sewing machine needles:

Frustrated, I decided step back over the the cutting table to do some more sorting until the longarm set up (shown at the top of the post) began.  Here's what my table looked like when the job was nearly done:

The cavalry arrived to save the day... er... complete the longarm assembly.

Hours passed...

Before quilt guild the next day, I went to the local Big Box Sewing Store to buy some new needles.  It was my lucky day!  Sewing notions were 30% off.  :o))

Fast forward to yesterday...

After a lazy morning, I decided to head up to the studio to finish my Block Drive block:

Stitch, press, repeat.  Stitch, press, repeat...

Finally, the last strip was added.   I'm thrilled to have managed the following:

Lucky for me, the block was to be squared up when complete:

I braved the cold and took my block outside for a swing photo.  That was so you could have a better look at the true colors (You're welcome!  :P) of the bits from Diane H's scrap bag:

As an aside...

Only the last few "logs" came out of my own scrap stash.  Of course, the majority of "my" scrap stash is made of bags of fabric cast offs from friends (like the nearly empty bag in the upper right hand corner of the photo of my cutting table.)  Thank you, quilting friends!  I absolutely LOVE using YOUR scraps to sew for GOOD.

Be sure to check out Kat and Cat Quilts for the next Block Drive.  It will be released soon.  You just might decide you'd like to help, too.  If so, be sure to tell her Joy sent you.  :o))

Sharing with Cynthia

Until next time...
SEW some Love!!!


  1. Hurrah for generous quilty friends and their scraps donations! I appreciate you braving the "cold" for a true to life picture of your block. It's lovely btw. ;^)

  2. Well done with this pretty block! A lot of beautiful fabrics in there. Thank you for the outdoor photo ;)

  3. Pretty block. I love all the different fabrics in there. So cheerful to look at.

  4. I can't believe you had so few extra needles. What a bummer to finally have time to sew and no needles. I just sent 6 blocks off to Kat. Photos on my IG feed. I'm supposed to pick up a friend in an hour to go to a sale at the LQS, but it's starting to snow and winds of 40 mph are predicted. It's only 8 miles away, so hopefully we can still go. Quilt shop sales have been few and far between since Covid arrived. Not that I need any more fabric, of course.

  5. Love these colorful, happy blocks! I will be checking out Kat and Cat Quilts. Thanks!

  6. Hi,
    Your blocks are beautiful. Really like all those colors you have used. Glad you got to see with your new needles...have a great day!

  7. Great block. It's so bright and happy. How did you only have 1 needle left at home and no spares?

  8. Very pretty colorful quilt block. Other people's scraps are always fun to work with. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  9. A delightful blocks! After years of using up all my neutral threads for piecing, I am now down to my last cotton reel... must go shopping!


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