Sunday, February 6, 2022

Project QUILTING - Season 13.3 - Kitchen Influence

Kitchen Influence

Welcome to The Joyful Quilter!!  And... Welcome to the wonderful world of Project QUILTING hosted by Kim Lapacek @ Persimon Dreams!!  This post is outlining the 3rd Challenge of Season 13.  Trish Frankland @ QuiltChicken is the creator of the crazy challenges that participants face and this week she went to the heart of the matter in assigning our prompt.

FAIR WARNING:  It's a wild ride, but oh SEW rewarding!

Challenges are given and start to finish you have ONE WEEK to complete your project.  PQ 13.3 can be found at THIS LINK.

Step One...

Read the instructions to see what is required of the third challenge.  Here's what Trish had to say:

...  the stomach may be the fastest route to the heart, and also that the kitchen is the heart of a home. So this week, let’s use food and cooking as our inspiration!


Whether you use food-printed novelty fabric, make a functional project for use in the kitchen or dining room, or use the shape of a favorite food or utensils as inspiration for something more artful … the choice is yours. I’m sure you’ll think of a million ideas I haven’t even considered!

Step Two...

Emit a(nother) LOUD groan!!

Why, Joyful???

Well, this challenge was going to be a recipe for disaster.  Anyone who knows me KNOWS that the kitchen is my least favorite place to spend my time.  I'm constantly lamenting the people in my household keep wanting to eat EVERY day!  (Multiple times, even.)

Step Three...

Gather supplies:

RED scrap basket here and hope for inspiration!!

Step Four...

Review the rules:

Rule 1: your project must be inspired by something from the kitchen.


Rule 2: You have one week to meet the challenge. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline – that is, started on or after noon January 30th, 2022, and linked up by noon Central Time February 6th, 2022.

Step Five... Wrack my brain to think of what to make!!!

My friend Needleb texted to see how this week's challenge was coming.  She had seen the prompt and knows me well.  At that point I was wondering what might have happened to my Food fabric, which I later found:

She suggested that I should do an "I'd Rather be Quilting than Cooking" theme.  My response to that??

ROFL!!!  That's brilliant, but I'm not sure what that would look like.

Here is a sampling of my construction process...

(Scroll down to the bottom of the post NOW, if you don't care to see a blow by blow of the making of my quilt.)


I decided that since I waited until Pizza Night to even START this week's project, that's what I would go with!


I went to the basket that I thought my sticky scraps were housed:


Something in the new studio was EXACTLY where I thought it might be!!!  Care to join me in a happy dance?  :o)) 

Back to the kitchen...

Let's cook, shall we?  We'll need some ingredients:

How are these pre-fused fabrics going to be used to build a pizza?  

Just watch!  

Oops!!  I got so caught up in the baking that I forgot to take even ONE progress picture, but here are some of the selections I used:

I was too hungry and took a bite... YUM!!  Here is all that is left of the tasty pie made of tomato sauce, green peppers, sausage, and cheese:

What's next???

It didn't take long to find the perfect batting scrap to use:

Next, I planned to audition backing fabrics...

An open bin on top of the stack yielded just what I needed.  I only had to trim off a sliver of a long ago commission quilt off-cut: 

After dropping in a few pins, my PQ 13.3 entry was ready for quilting:

Ready for the quilting, Joyful???

Yep!  With just less than 24 hours remaining until the deadline, all I had left to do was quilt this thing up and do the binding:

Only 18 hours before the deadline, I wondered if binding fabric was what I wanted for finishing my entry: 

With just over 2 hours until the deadline...

"Squaring" it up:

I present my (unconventionally) completed entry for PQ 13.3...

... And a close-up of the zig zagged (and straight stitched) edging:

There is usually a reason that I participate in these challenges...

... And this time, it's because Britt was kind enough to spark my creativity by suggesting the obvious.  (At least at our house...)  "If it's Friday, it MUST be pizza."  Thanks, B!!

There you have it...

Process, product, and the REAL reason for accepting this Challenge.

Follow THIS LINK to the Season 13 overview.  Check back on the Challenge release days (or sign-up to be notified automatically) and there may be one that YOU just can't resist.

It's a SHORT turnaround time!

Depending on the size and complexity of your project, that doesn't HAVE to be insurmountable.  With a little creativity and a few evenings, you really CAN do this!  My project was begun days after the prompt was announce, but was still finished with a couple of hours until the deadline.  I'm SEW looking forward to seeing what all the other entrants made.

Until next time...
Let's DISH!!!

Remember:  If I can do this, YOU can do it, too!

(Plus, there's a spot to post your completed Project QUILTING inspired projects AFTER the deadline for any of the challenges.)

Sharing with Alycia


With Cynthia


Joining Kelly


  1. Now that is just perfect!!!
    What a fun process - and right? why?? why do people need to eat SO often!!!!

  2. I love my kitchen when it is clean and no one is in it! It’s really only here because it came with the house. However, I do like to make a cuppa coffee in it.
    Your story of how you baked a pizza pie was very fun to read. And luckily there was one slice left to share as your project.

  3. So cute! Your quilt became a paper plate - love it! That's the best Friday night dinner - no cooking and very little clean up!

  4. Love the way you finished your quilt!

  5. As much as I love my kitchen, I really dislike being the one and only person that is capable of feeding the hungry souls who live in the house. I'd rather sew too! Super fun plate of pizza pie, Joy! It's amazing what we can do when under a bit of pressure, eh?

  6. Great idea! Inspired execution! Oh, I like the idea of keeping sticky bits all in your one place ready and waiting to be the perfect appliqué project! <3!

  7. What a wonderful idea! I wish I would have thought of it.

  8. I feel the same as you about cooking....but I like making things like placemats to eat on! The pizza is really perfect - congrats on getting it done!

  9. Yummy pizza! A great idea for this prompt. Those pins made me think you had dropped a bunch of toppings, but I am glad you got them all on the pizza!

  10. It turned out perfectly--Fridays need pizza!


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