Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sew Some Love Sunday - Promise Fulfillment and Quilt Top #14

Welcome to another edition of Sew Some Love Sunday!!!  This week, I'm here to share the latest happenings for the ongoing donation project that I'm coordinating.  Let me tell you...  The minions have been busy!  :o))

Back in the Fall, at the first in-person NT Bee meeting since Covid Lockdown, news had spread about the need for contributions to the LWR Mission Quilt Drive here on The Joyful Quilter.  Everyone in the group signed up for one thing or another.

Here's what several members of the group have been up to...

Kirsten signed up for quilt backing and she has since made her way through her fabric stash and selected some yardage that she could part with.  It has now been delivered:

Here are the selections that were included:

A promise fulfilled.  Thank you SEW much, Kirsten!!

She and Monkey kindly took Quilt Top #9 (shown in the lower right corner of the photo above) with them, since it has been quilted and was waiting to be bound:

You will see more of that when it has been returned.

There's MORE, Joyful???

Yep!  Deborah has also been busy.  Here she is, delivering Quilt Top #14 for the Mission Quilt project:

This lovely quilt top was pieced from the squares donated by Nann @ With Strings Attached:

Thank you, Deborah, for participating in the Mission Quilt project!!  I appreciate the fact that you provided border fabric from your stash to bring the quilt top up to meet the size preference of LWR.

But, WAIT!!!

Britt has been busy, too.  She stopped by to deliver a quilt fresh off the rails of her longarm.  (Post scheduled soon.)  While here, she picked up Quilt Top #14 for quilting.  In front of that, you might notice that she also took along some backing fabric (also donated by Nann):

Below, Britt shows off the backing fabric from Loise @ Quilt Odyssey, which will be used for the second of two kits selected some time ago:

Thanks for being a Quilting Fairy for the Mission Quilt Drive, Britt!  I have to say, your assistance and artistry is SEW appreciated!

Until next time...
Good things happening in Hillsborough!!!


  1. Looks like there were some great fabrics delivered, and I love that quilt top!

  2. Lot of busy people doing great things.

  3. You've done amazing things for LWR, Joy! So impressive, and those quilts will be so appreciated.

  4. You have a great network of busy bees! Nice quilts!

  5. Congrats on all the progress! You have a great network.


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