Monday, July 1, 2019

Mail Call Monday - TOWA Gauge Edition

Welcome to another edition of Mail Call Monday!!  After the mess I made of my Pecking Order quilt (I'm STILL ripping out stitching THREE DAYS later!), I decided it was time to order a TOWA gauge.  Google to the rescue!

Here's the backstory, in case you missed it:

This happened on Thursday...

The tension seemed (mostly) OK on top, but the photo above told another story.  Underneath, much of the stitching was laying on the back of the quilt (instead of being buried within the batting layer.)

By midday on Saturday a package had arrived:

Thank you, Amazon Prime!!

This is my new TOWA gauge:

Now, just have to figure out how to use it:

Oh!  And find out if it arrived damaged:

Notice that the lower disc/wheel/thingy is a bit skewed, where the upper disc/wheel/thingy is flat.  I have no idea if that is "normal", but it doesn't seem like it should be.

Off to consult with my fellow longarmers...

Or wait for YOUR response.  Please chime in, if you happen to know the answer.  Thanks!  I'm not sure that I will be able to contact anyone tonight.

Until next time...
Quilting is supposed relieve TENSION!!!
Not add to it!  Sigh.


  1. If you do a google image search, other pictures taken form the same angle seem to have the same slant on that wheel/disk/whatever.

    Can't be more help than that, sorry, as I haven't seen one in the flesh.

  2. You definitely want it to be working properly if it is supposed to measure small differences in tension! I hope you get your answer soon :)


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