Sunday, September 1, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 35

Welcome to Week 35 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week is full.  Guess what, though?  There WILL be ORANGE scrap sewing.

Any guesses on what I will make???


Afterwards, I did some ORANGE sewing:

While I was at work, progress was made on House # 7...

And those busy construction workers got a good start on House #8 and the downstairs walls went up:


This is the hot mess I made over the weekend in a class with @ingridmurrayart using security envelopes, acrylic ink and various marking tools:

After work today, I headed home to Zoom with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:


My retreat sewing began with these ORANGE panels...

Be sure to check out tomorrow's TABLE SCRAPS Challenge post to see what became of them!

The next order of business was making use of some scrappy offcuts: 

Later I had some fun with these scraps that my friend Maggie brought from my friend Ella:


My efforts were focused on creating a scrappy quilt back:

Once that was complete, I found a few more ORANGE scraps to play with:


Saturday - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I won't be doing any visiting today, but I hope you will swing by Angela @ So Scrappy's blog to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.


Today some gifted fabric was used to create a donation quilt.  I paired crayon fabric from Stacy and Mary with some lime green from Britt.  Sewing started late in the evening, but here's the general plan for the quilt:

I went back and forth between the cutting table and working at the machine.  The UFO got some much needed attention.  Bonus points for some ORANGE bits being involved in the project:

What a fun weekend!  One retreat day remains.  What will I accomplish???  Come back next week to find out.  :o))

Until next time...


  1. Great productive week once again. I love what you did with Ella's scraps. Enjoy the long weekend. ;^)

  2. Looks like you are having a great time at retreat! Enjoy.

  3. Let's hear it for retreat time! Hip! Hip! Hooray! You did good work. Love the lime & blue bits you're going to play with. Ought to be a very pretty quilt. You also did a good job piecing that backing. I just pieced one too and I'm not sure it's worth the aggravation. Lol! Yours looks great!

  4. I like your orange piecing!! and that purple back is so fun to look at!! 8 houses( i had thought only a few!)? I missed that somewhere - you will have all sorts of new neighbors - hopefully some quilters!

  5. not my best picture but so glad we zoom-met this week.
    house 7, oy vey. retreats are so fun


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