Friday, August 30, 2024

August 2024 - TABLE SCRAPS Challenge - Link Party

Welcome to the August 2024 edition of the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge here at the Joyful Quilter!!  I'll start with a little backstory, in case you are new here.  (Apologies to my regular readers since you already know all about it.) I'm a scrap quilter who had been setting up individual challenges for several years in conjunction with Angela's (RSC) Rainbow Scrap Challenge @ So Scrappy.  Participants from around the corner, across the country and around the world have been having SEW much fun and we all have MORE scraps to use, so I am pleased to offer the...

In 2024, we have a broad range of quilted items that are appropriate for linking to the Challenge.  Baskets and bins, along with pillows and pin cushions, are all qualifying projects.  Not just the toppers, runners, and mug rugs.  Basically, ANY small quilted item qualifies.  The main premise is that you USE the (new or old) SCRAPS from your cutting table (or your friend's cutting table - since that's where the majority of my scraps come from!)

There will be a prompt each month to help get your creative juices flowing.  While you are NOT required to use it in your project, the guiding word will be revealed at the end of each month's LINK PARTY post.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the following month's focus.  It, along with the RSC Color of the Month (as soon as Angela releases it - around the 1st of the month.) will also be added to the 2024 TABLE SCRAPS Challenge page at the top of the blog.

The theme for August was...


I have a plan in place...

And was thrilled when Angela announced that the Color of the Month was ORANGE.

That could be a problem, as the basket hasn't much to offer...

I pulled what I could find...

And began sewing:

You might have noticed a sneak preview a week or so ago while I was Zooming with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color...

But I managed a bit more progress earlier this week:

The next step was assembling sections...

And soon enough...

I was ready to quilt the top that had taken shape:

Where's the BASKET in that mess of piecing, Joyful???

Here it is...

Although, it probably COULD have been a BIT smaller:

The offcuts in forming the basket were used to make the accompanying pin cushion:

I believe ORANGE is the final color to be added to my Scrap Center.  The Quilted Scrap Basket will soon join its friends.  AFTER the Quilt Retreat that I'm attending over this long weekend!  I'm pleased to complete my set for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  Have you enjoyed your own TABLE SCRAPS Challenge entry this month?  I hope SEW!!!

What's next, Joyful???

The new month will begin in short order.  Angela hasn't yet made an announcement.  I expect that she will reveal the Color of the Month for September in tomorrow's posts.  Wait for it.  Wait for it!!  And the winner is...

(Whatever your definition of that is.)

September's theme is:


And now...

It's time for YOU to link up your ORANGE and/or BASKET project in the LINK PARTY below.  All entries MUST be submitted by Wednesday, September 4th @ 11:59PM (EDT).

Until next time...
USE those table scraps!!!

Sharing with Alycia


With Cynthia


  1. I always love your scrap baskets, Joy! I bet that is a fun collection to see on the shelf. Have a great time at your retreat!

  2. Love your basket! I wonder what color leaves we will have?

  3. Twinsies! Except mine is little! Great minds!

  4. What a fun basket!!!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  5. I love your scrap basket and the mini one inside. The pincushion is a great bonus to have. Enjoy!

  6. I love how you've made so many Colors Scrap Baskets and that you still have the tutorial available. Great job on the new addition to your collection.

  7. Joy, absolutely lovely idea. How many colourful fabric baskets do you now own? Your shelves must be very pretty - I have black boxes with the colour names in fabric, pretty but mostly black!
    Jane in Australia


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