Saturday, August 17, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 33

Welcome to Week 33 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  I'm hoping that this week will provide some ORANGE scrap sewing time.  Will that happen?  That remains to be seen.

Read on to find out...

SUNDAY - I started my day with Get Messy Art friends while working on the Page Extension prompt from ShanoukiArt for Art Journal August:

After lunch, I enjoyed my weekly Zoom call with Knittingsuek:

MONDAY - Work...

Was followed by a quilt journal page for Art Journal August by @ShanoukiArt on YouTube:


... Progress on House #6:

WEDNESDAY - It's the beginning of this week's "mid-week weekend" and I made plans to meet Tracy for knitting at our favorite coffee shop:

After a quick errand and an even quicker lunch, I went upstairs for an early Zoom call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

With several hours of free time before me, I took our my ORANGE scraps and began to sew:

THURSDAY - (Weekly) Quilt Group with the following members in attendance:

Candy came bearing a scrap bag to add to my collection:

Dee Dee brought a selection of fabrics to share and I came away with these fun flamingo prints:

Ignore the window reflections, we're not that spotty!

Gayle was thrilled to receive the pillow topper that I made for last month's TABLE SCRAPS Challenge...

... And found that she had the perfect pillow form for it in her studio:

After running errands and lunch, I attended the Winging It hangout with my Get Messy Art friends:

Afterwards, I decided that I had enough time to take in the day's lesson from Mona Stamm and created this journal page for the Season of Pattern based on her techniques:


Knit Group didn't happen this morning.  A very good thing, as I was up for 2 hours in the middle of the night.  Since I was awake, I decided to attend the Get Messy class called Mona and the Season of Pattern.  Staying for the entire class wasn't in the cards, but I stayed long enough to the finish the following journal page:

A few details were added once I woke up (again) and was ready for work.

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.

What about YOU, Joyful??

This is the sum total of ORANGE sewing I did this week:

Have YOU found time for some ORANGE scrap sewing???

If not, there is still TWO WEEKS before the August TABLE SCRAPS Challenge Link Party opens.  The theme is BASKET(S) this month.  I'm looking forward to seeing all the ways participants will interpret the prompt.

Until next time...


  1. Any scrap sewing is good scrap sewing in my book! I'll look forward to seeing what you do with those orange sections you did sew on. Looks like you had a fun week, except for maybe the night where you were awake for two hours. Although I was impressed to see that you got up and joined in with an art class!

  2. Messy Art fun, sewing, zoom talks, knitting and an art class, are you trying to keep yourself out of trouble? Looking forward to seeing these orange scraps grow into something. ;^)

  3. Seems like your orange sewing was on par with mine. Sort of minimal! Better luck this week! I have a plan for my scraps I think 🤔 We will see how it evolves. I even forgot to do Saturday’s wordle, so my streak is broken! Phooey!

  4. Your orange sewing is a bit like mine. I've done some sewing but not a lot!

  5. It may be a little, but the orange sewing looks good! And your journal pages are great!

  6. A little bit sewing is better than nothing. I'm sure more orange sewing will be done before September arrives. Your journal pages are looking great. Pretty scrappy pillow.

  7. A little sewing is better than none, and you did get some arting and some socializing in...all good. Me, was packing up only kid for a move to a new apartment...still recovering.

  8. The pillow looks wonderful in her studio. The orange sewing is looking great, as are you journal pages. I always enjoy seeing them! Have a fabulous weekend!


  9. Hope this week was as good as the last one, but with uninterrupted sleep this time. I have yet to do my orange scrap sewing... maybe tomorrow. migraines are not fun.


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