Saturday, August 24, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 34

Welcome to Week 34 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week will be filled with work and finishing a gift quilt.  That may or may not leave enough time to fit in any ORANGE scrap sewing.

Let's see how the week progressed...

SUNDAY - The week began with a bit of ORANGE art with my friends from Get Messy:

Britt and I stayed after our Weekly Morning Art Zoom to chat for a few minutes:

When lunch was done, I was back on the computer for my Weekly Zoom with Knittingsuek...

As we talked, I worked on binding the quilt I mentioned at the beginning of this post:

Please note that I did NOT make this quilt!!

Our call ended just in time to attend the Ephemera Packing Party for the August Swap at Get Messy:

There are a few orange papers hidden in the stack, but you can plainly see the washi tape on top.


Afterwards, I was off to my Monthly Quilt Guild meeting, but...

Perhaps we should call this MISTAKE Monday:

The keys were inside the car and that's my reflection outside the car.
Yes.  The doors ARE locked!  Why do you ask???  Sigh...


Once I arrived at last night's meeting, I put in another two needles full of thread into the gift quilt's binding:

Again, I did NOT make this quilt!!!

My friend Karen won one of the FOUR door prizes from last night's speaker...

She wasn't interested in the topic and gave the book to me.  Thank you, Karen!!!

Britt brought a journal for me and some new paper to try.  Thanks, B!!!

Laura returned the sewing machine she borrowed and brought yarn for the knitters.
Thanks, Laura!  The ladies are going to be thrilled.

WEDNESDAY - Today was the beginning of my "mid-week weekend" so I got a slow start before heading out to do just one errand.  Once that was done I headed home to for a quick lunch and a short Zoom with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color.  Since we cut it short, we decided to try again over the weekend:

Later, I worked on finishing the NAPKIN prompt for Art Journal August:

THURSDAY - (Weekly) Quilt Group met this morning.  I was able to be there among the following members in attendance:

A couple of errands followed and I made it home in time to join the Paper and Pieces hangout with my Get Messy friends.  This is what I made in my very first visit with them:

FRIDAY - Work...

Was preceded by Knit Group.  I saw the following happening at the construction site next door as I was leaving for the day:

The rafters are being added to House #7, House #6 waiting for the shingles to be added beyond.
The knitters met at Lou's Bakery this morning.  There were 5 knitters in attendance today:

After work, I rested before dinner and attended my Weekly Evening Art Zoom when the meal was done.  I left a little bit early, as there were voices coming down the hall to the studio.  I worked on the Episode #9 prompt for Art Journal August:

There were a few more steps to complete the spread, but DS1 and his girlfriend showed up for a visit.  I could (should?) have predicted it with the nice weather we've been having!  They took me right out to the driveway to see his "new-to-him" car and take it for a test drive.  It is quite lovely (and I might be just a little bit jealous!)

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.

Knittingsuek was kind enough to fit in a Zoom call early this afternoon since I won't be available during our regular time tomorrow:

Later, I was pleased to have another chance at Zooming with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

Once our time ran out, I was able to focus on finishing up this post and another that will go live in a day or two.  Bonus points:  Between the two Zoom calls, I was able to do more ORANGE scrap sewing.

Until next time...


  1. Hooray for scrap sewing. Whenever you can fit it in!

  2. Even if it isn't your work, the gift quilt looks like a beauty! You got to finish off the binding - that's my favorite part. Hope you're getting a chance to sew with some orange scraps this week!

  3. I just love reading your blog and what you do each day. You do stay busy, and happy! I would love to zoom with other quilt bloggers.


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