Saturday, August 10, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 32

Welcome to Week 32 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week was all about finishing.  Was there any ORANGE scraps involved?  Maybe SEW!!

Keep reading (or scrolling) to find out, but first...

Here's what you missed in last week's post:

SATURDAY - Quilting...

And art-ing at Britt's:

Plus there was MORE quilting after the Opening of the Season of Pattern.  Thank you SEW much, B!!!  You are so kind to allow me several hours of time on your longarm.

SUNDAY - During my Weekly Morning Art Zoom, I completed the final page of Junk Journal July.  I had skipped the POETIC prompt because I wasn't sure what to do.  Bonus points for ORANGE art:

Sue had an appointment during our regular Zoom time, so we met a bit later today:


Along with a glimpse of ORANGE scraps from T-shirt off-cuts:


Afterwards, I spent some time working on the SCRAPS, STENCIL & TEXTURE PASTE prompt for Art Journal August with @shanoukiart on YouTube:

WEDNESDAY - Day one of my "mid-week weekend".  As luck would have it, I still had to get up at 5:45 AM to get ready for a trip to the airport.  Sigh... The things we do for our (adult) children!

After a few errands, it was time for an early Zoom with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

Whoops!  Neither of us were ready for the camera.  You might notice that I wasn't in my usual "meeting spot", but in bed from another bout of vertigo.  Thankfully, it didn't start before I returned home from the airport!

Fortunately, the spinning stopped in time for a quick walk before the storm rolled in.  The construction workers were busy assembling House #6:

THURSDAY - I was thrilled to be able to attend my Weekly Quilt Group.  The following quilters dodged raindrops and wind guts to be there:

FRIDAY - Work...

With a brief stop at Knit Group on the way.  Unfortunately, I neglected to get an attendee photo, but Tracy sent the following photo later - not the knitters, but the quilt recipient:


If you've been wondering what I've been up to lately, you no longer have to guess.  Designing and making the XL-Twin T-Quilt has provided hours and hours of studio time over the course of the last four weeks.  Be sure to spot the ORANGE scraps in the photo above!  :o))

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  I'm hoping to manage to catch up with everyone this week.  In the meantime, here are the other ORANGE scraps that I will be playing with in the coming days:

Until next time...


  1. Vertigo is very scary! Do you know what's causing it? You had a busy week in spite of the vertigo.

  2. Congratulations on the t-shirt quilt finish, Joy! It looks great - I love how you did the sashing and cornerstones in different colors. It looks like the recipient is a Denver Broncos fan, too! Hope that vertigo settles down for you this week.

  3. What a beautiful finish and the recipient looks thrilled. Glad you were able to get so much done in spite of the vertigo. Hope it subsides or goes away for a good long while!


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