Saturday, August 3, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 31

Welcome to Week 31 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week's post will begin back at last Saturday afternoon.  I had a plan for the day....

Saturday - Chores in the morning and a mid-day Art Zoom with Get Messy:

Which would be followed by sewing on my current commission quilt, BUT...

We ended up here:

Why, Joyful???

DH also had a full schedule of chores.  His were out in the yard.  They came to a screeching halt when he stood up and hit his head on the corner of the shed roof, as it's not full height:

There was a 5cm gash requiring 3 staples, but no concussion.

With that update out of the way, I can begin to fill you in on this week...

SUNDAY - My Weekly Morning Art Zoom started things off.  I worked on the BUTTON prompt for Junk Journal July:

After lunch, Knittingsuek and I enjoyed a chat via Zoom:


Two new "house kits" have arrived:


While waiting for the phone to ring, I took the following selfie...


Sketched out this likeness for the #GetMessyPortrait Contest:

Angles and noses are HARD!!

WEDNESDAY - Work was traded for tomorrow, as a coworker needed that day off.

Instead, I met with Tracy to pick up these socks, knit, and...

Go thrifting at out favorite local thrift store.  I found a number of AQUA goodies as we browsed, but none of them followed me home:

After a trip to the grocery store, I delivered Tracy's handknit socks to the grandmother of the recipients:

Upon my return home, Zooming with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color was on my agenda:


Today, the RSC Quilters are transitioning from AQUA to...

ORANGE for August!!!  I found a few fun orange things during this week's thrifting adventure, but only this metal mesh bin came home with me:

FRIDAY - It was just the two of us for Knit Group today.  Everyone else had other things planned.  Tracy and I did a rerun of Wednesday at Rambling River Mercantile.  It's our favorite coffee shop:

I came home to find that construction had begun on house number six:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  The gallery wire display has changed colors...

And now reflects ORANGE scrap sewing efforts from previous Rainbow Scrap Challenge seasons:

Until next time...


  1. Glad your husband only needed staples and had no concussion. That cute aqua chair might have had to come home with me from the thrift store. So cute!

  2. Oh no, the reason for the trip to the ER is not fun at all. Ouch! I hope he's recuperated quickly. Meeting a friend to knit and visit sounds really fun!

  3. omg Peter! 3 staples sound painful too L.

  4. Oh no! Hope hubby is feeling better. Looks like you had a fun and productive week.

  5. Hopefully this whole week later, your DH is feeling better. Looks you had a fun week! Score on the orange mesh basket!

  6. UGH on the ER....but good news on no concussion. My husband does it alot in the basement and I constantly warn him about it. Glad you were able to get your teal on a few more times before shifting to orange!

  7. Whoo hoo - you had quite a week! So glad there was no concussion - but oh man!! painful!


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