Saturday, July 27, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC2024 - Week 30

Welcome to Week 30 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week will definitely involve some sewing.  AQUA scrap sewing?  One never knows around here.

Read on to discover the answer...

SUNDAY - Weekly Morning Art Zoom played two rounds of Roll the Dice for the following prompts...

Round One (at the top of the page shown below) - collage, color change, add a quote, make marks, and stencil:

Round Two (shown at the bottom of the page above) - write, paint, collage, washi tape, and scrape.

After lunch, I chatted with Knittingsuek during our weekly Zoom call:


After dinner, I decided to search for details to add to the houses I created in yesterday's Art Zoom.  The scale may be questionable, but the compositions make me smile:


Afterwards, I spent some time rearranging sashing strips and cornerstones on this T-Quilt:


It  was straight home once the workday was done.  I was nearly late for my weekly Zoom with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color, but she was kind enough to wait for me:

As I left for my evening walk, I noticed that another foundation was poured and today the next house "kit" has arrived:

THURSDAY - It's the start of this week's 4-day weekend.  The first order of business was to decorate an envelope for a piece of Happy Mail.  Gelli Plate to the rescue:

With the arrangement set on Tuesday afternoon, I spent a fair amount of time sewing columns of T-shirt blocks together today and finished the final one just in time to leave for my Monthly Evening Quilt Bee.

Summer meetings are iffy, at best.  Tonight, there were only five of us in attendance:

Knit Group met this morning.  There was a slim crew today, as one friend wasn't feeling well and another was entertaining a guest.  We three tried a new coffee shop:

This afternoon my SIL met somewhere in the middle between her house and mine.  We had planned to meet at a local tea shop in the next town over from me, but ended up at Converge Coffee Roaster.  I wouldn't say it's the best cafe in the area, but it was a quiet and comfortable place for an afternoon chat:

When dinner was done, I headed upstairs for my Weekly Evening Art Zoom.  I worked on a collage for today's SHADE prompt for Junk Journal July:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  I'm off to join the party now.  As evidence in the post above, I did zero AQUA scrap sewing in the last seven days, but AQUA art filled my week.  Some weeks are like that.

Until next time...


  1. Your shade journal collage looks amazing! You did really well with that prompt!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  2. Aqua art is good! The last line of your post sums up our lives - "Some weeks are like that."


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