Sunday, July 14, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 28

Welcome to Week 28 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!! My hope for the week was to get some sewing done.  Do you think that happened?

SUNDAY - The day began with my Weekly Morning Art Zoom.  I worked on some AQUA art with the SPLASH  prompt for the ICAD challenge at Daisy Yellow Art:

Britt and I stayed on after the meeting to chat for a little while:

After lunch, it was time for my weekly Zoom call with Knittingsuek:


With a side of quilting afterwards.  Look at those AQUA letters:

There was also a little bit of art once the T-shirts were all squared up.  The SCRAPS prompt for Junk Journal July was a fun one to put together from bits on my desk:


Was followed by knocking out a quick page in my journal:

I used this inspiration "pour painted" art by Abby May.  She can also be found on IG @abby_mayart...

 To make a "traditional acrylic painted" card (in a similar style) for a special someone:

WEDNESDAY - Today was the start of my 5-day weekend.  YES!!!

I started my day with...

The arrival of a new lawn ornament:

I ran away to the grocery store to escape the beeping, but returned for my weekly Zoom call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

These T-shirts called after the Zoom.  This preliminary layout was just to see what I had to work with, as the final product will need to be an XL-Twin size:

THURSDAY - The concrete truck arrived bright and early this morning:

Fortunately, I was off to visit my Weekly Quilt Bee friends.  Our hostess gave me this sweet butterfly print for my current project:

Here's the whole gang, with quite a few members missing today:

On the way home, I noticed that our local-ish transit but is sporting some AQUA:

I arrived home to find that we have an even larger lawn ornament this afternoon:

By the end of the day, our front yard was sporting an upgraded look with our new concrete driveway:

FRIDAY - Weekly Knit Group was a pleasant way to spend a rainy morning:

After dinner, it was upstairs to spend some time with my Get Messy art friends during our Weekly Evening Art Zoom.  I completed the following ICAD prompts:


SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  I'm late to the party because I neglected my post outline this week.  Too busy with all the things!  Fortunately, we can join in at any time.  Especially, since was involved in an online art retreat all day!)

Until next time...


  1. A 5 day weekend sounds wonderful! And so glad those construction vehicles were there to do a job for you and not just mess up your yard to get to the neighbors. I love that butterfly print your friend gave you - perfect for July!

  2. Hope you enjoyed your 5-day weekend - isn't that the way all weeks should be?! Your new driveway looks great! Having the lawn ornaments for a day was worth it! ~Jeanne

  3. I was glad to see the lawn ornament was for you. The new driveway will be great! So much art this week! And a reminder, I need to think butterflies! The month is 1/2 over!🙄

  4. Shew - crazy lawn ornaments!! glad something good came of it!! and all your aqua - LOVE it!! your splash is pretty cool looking!

  5. All the aqua art look great! The letters are fabulous. Hope you are enjoying your long weekend. Sounds amazing!



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