Sunday, September 15, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - 37

Welcome to Week 37 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week didn't turn out as planned.  We were thrown zinger after zinger.  It ended up a mixed bag of work and travel.

Spoiler Alert:  There was definitely no time for DARK scrap sewing!

SUNDAY - Weekly Morning Art Zoom started my day.  I (finally) completed Episode 10 of Art Journal August - Gold Leaf.  Although, I used gold paint since I don't have any gold leaf:

Britt and I zoomed for a little while afterwards:

The afternoon was filled with laundry, computer work, and a necessary trip to the grocery store.  I also pulled out my DARK/Black Quilted Scrap Basket to see what appealed to my imagination for meeting this month's LEAF prompt for the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge:

After an early dinner, I headed up to the studio for Collage Club.  I worked on...

MONDAY - I was happy that today was a day off work because it allowed me the opportunity to attend Curiosity Collective with my Get Messy Art friends:

It was a busy day at the construction site next door.  House #9 was going up today:

TUESDAY - Pleased to have another Day Off with time in it for this week's Zoom with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

WEDNESDAY - Work Training Day

Afterwards, I was ready to knock one of the art experiments off the list that I created.  This time I tried Charcoal Transfer.  I drew the portrait on the right with a block of charcoal and did an image transfer on the gel plate (not shown.)  Once the image was pulled, I pulled another print to "clean the plate" and was thrilled to end up with the image on the left with its random grungy peeled paint.  Both the portrait and the gel print were done on junk mail envelopes then added to my most recent Altered Book Journal:

It was another busy day on the construction site:

Although, it turns out that what I thought was House #9...

Was actually House # 10 and this one is House #9...

The crew also made a good start on House #11:

THURSDAY - Work Day/Travel Night

After work, I finished packing and DS2 took us to the airport.  Below is our plane just before the final boarding call to PVD:

FRIDAY - Family Day included lunch with my California SIL that I don't get to see very often:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I may not get a chance to visit Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week, but I will try to visit before next weekend.  No guarantees, though.

Today was a full Family Day.  The photo below was taken on the way to the main event:

Dinner for FOURTEEN at Tavolo Warwick:

Fortunately, it was NOT another late night, as our flight is a 7 AM in the morning.

Until next time...


  1. One busy week! Hard to keep track of all those new houses. Hope you had one grand time with family!


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