Sunday, September 8, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 36

Welcome to Week 36 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week involved a holiday, retreat recovery and three LONG days at work.  Did I get started on any DARK scrap sewing done?

Read on to find out...


I missed my Weekly Art Zoom friends, but here's what happened with the blue and lime fabrics I shared in last week's post:

If you are looking for the RSC Color of the Month for September, Angela announced that it is...


MONDAY - Holiday

I slept late. (Unheard of for me!)  It was refreshing.  I enjoyed an Art Zoom in the afternoon and tackled Mt. Washmore after dinner.  Here's the page I created during Curiosity Collective this afternoon. Instructor Tammy Murdock shared her Frame It, Landscape It, Populate It class.  I followed the steps, but only used paper scraps found on my desk:


I did a quick grocery run and Zoomed with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:


It was a busy day at the construction site next door yesterday.  Three of the houses were landscaped and foundations were poured for House #9, 10 and 11:


Build kits were delivered for House #8 and 9 yesterday, but I didn't notice them and...

House # 1, 4 and 5 had sod laid today:


There must have been some sort of issue with the sewer hook-up, because this is what the house next door looked like when I got home from work:

After dinner, I headed upstairs for my Weekly Evening Art Zoom.  I decided to transform this page from my Artist Almanac:

Britt and I stayed on after everyone else had left the call...

When the evening was done, the page looked like this:

I also added collage and a phrase to this page in my Get Messy Art Journal:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will have a chance to visit Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  I still need to finish my post and join the party.

But first...

 Knittingsuek and I changed our Zoom schedule...


The Opening of the Season of Experimentation with my Get Messy friends was this afternoon.  I made the introduction page using a paint technique that I have been wanting to try - lay down paint, cover and smoosh with plastic wrap, then wait for it to dry:

That's it for this week and not a stitch of DARK/Black scrap sewing.

Until next time...


  1. You are so busy with the art, and the art friends. No guilt needed for not getting to the sewing. It will happen when it does. Your neighborhood is transforming!

  2. Those houses are going up fast! Looks like you had an artful week. I wonder what your dark leaves will look like later this month!

  3. You did some lovely art, slept in, climbed Mt Washmore and made some art and visited with friends...a good week and you will get to the darks (scraps that its).


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