Saturday, September 30, 2023

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC23 - Week 39

Welcome to Week 39 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  Our hostess, Angela announced AQUA for the month of September.  Can you believe it's the final day?  I had SEW much fun!

Here's how this week rolled along...

SUNDAY - Easy as a Sunday Morning hangout with my Get Messy friends started the week off on an artsy note.

After lunch I spent some time chatting with Knittingsuek on our weekly Zoom call:

MONDAY - Mail Call Monday

Work was followed by taking a better look at my loot from last week's September Fat Quarter Drawing at my Monthly Quilt Guild meeting:

I also joined another art membership.  If you are interested in art journaling, The Roben's Nest offers the lowest barrier to entry that I've seen!  Roben-Marie Smith is a sweetie and does lovely watercolor botanicals and fun mark making sessions.  ALL of her solo classes are available with the cost of the membership and the doors close at 9 PM (EDT) this evening:

TUESDAY - Work and I returned to find this beast at the end of our driveway.  I'm guessing this is our fair warning that they with be doing the curbing tomorrow:

WEDNESDAY - Wonderful Wednesday

Lucky thing I didn't need to go anywhere today because I was right about them adding curbs:

As a consolation prize for my troubles, I received Happy Mail today!  A package arrived from @claudette_hasenjager from South Africa via Traci (?) in Arizona:

Thank you for my VERY FIRST paper happy mail, Claudette!!

Zooming with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color came next:

Before dinner, I went out to document the day's road work.  Notice that there will be no access to our garage anytime soon, as evidenced by the piles of rocks at the end of it:

THURSDAY - Work was followed by my Monthly Evening Quilt Bee:

Whoops!  I arrived home from work to find that DH had made a tactical error by leaving the loaner truck near the end of the driveway.  The back-filling was only partially complete.:

After dinner, I enjoyed meeting with my Get Messy friends for TGI(A)W hangout on Zoom for lots of interesting discussions and a little bit of art.

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.

I'm feeling puny this morning:

I'm recovering from the flu shot that I got after work yesterday.  Not sure why my body goes on high alert, but that's what happens almost every time!  This time there was the added joy of extreme itching at the injection site.  At least that calmed down overnight.  In the meanwhile, I'm going to sit here on the couch and try to enjoy my AQUA cup of tea and hope for enough energy to visit all of my RSC Quilter friends:

Until next time...


  1. Hope you feel better as the day goes on, Joy! Sounds like a fun and busy week, with the exception of the driveway blocking. Love that photo of all the neutral fat quarters you won!

  2. A cup of tea, a quilt, and some rest--just the thing when you're feeling not quite. Congrats on the fabric haul from your meeting, and your pretty aqua mug!

  3. Feel better soon, Joy! I’m sure you’ll love your driveway and street once they’re complete, but for now….yeah - a pain in the butt!

  4. I hope you feel better real soon. Wow you had a jam packed week!

  5. Sure hope you feel better - you may be developing an allergy. :( I'm sure that roadwork is getting old. I'm so glad you keep smiling! ~Jeanne

  6. So sorry you are feeling puny. I'm surprised they left your access unavailable, usually that is a big no no. Hope you are feeling better today. That loot haul of the neutrals will be wonderful for October's color!

  7. UGH! Construction is a good and bad thing...bad when they don't communicate. The flu shot raised my temp the following day, but it was fleeting. Glad it is all done. Will be fun to see what October brings.


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