Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The 100 Day Project- #100Days100ThingsDecluttered - Week 13

Welcome to Week 13 of the #100Days100ThingsDecluttered and thank you for following this mini-series here on The Joyful Quilter!!  I started The 100 Day Project on February 18th.  I'm still shocked that I finally committed to it.  It's particularly popular on Instagram.  I have been hesitant to participate before now.  I'm releasing weekly updates for those of you who might be interested in seeing what goes out the door.

What was your project, again, Joyful???

I signed up with a different idea in mind than most.  You can read about it HERE.  That link will tell you all about my project.

That was QUITE the experience!!!

Can you believe that I'm not ready to stop??  I think I will take a little break, but then plan to continue my declutter journey.  My home and studio have plenty more spaces to free up.  As the household inventory diminishes, there is LESS overwhelm and MORE space creativity.

Here's my progress for Week Thirteen from all around the house, studio and garage...

I started in my closet with:

6 pairs of blue jeans that are now too big 
1 sweater
1 scarf


I had planned to move along to the studio, but noticed the following in the closet: 

5 shoe boxes
1 pair of shoes
1 pair of boots
1 random empty lip balm


Then, from inside the house, I could hear the dresser drawers calling to me. I heeded their call and I selected a number of items that no longer fit my body comfortably or suit my stage in life:

5 PJs 
14 foundation garments
19 unmentionables 


Afterwards, I set my sights on some items in the garage and added them to the box shown above: 

6 window valances
1 window shade 
1 bread basket 
1 porch decoration
1 grocery sack


Lastly, I finished off in the studio with theses items:

  7 T-shirts (previously saved for a quilt)
67 balls of yarn
  1 knitting magazine 
  1 tool organizer
  1 hat
  1 craft book


That brought me to a Week 13 Total:  140/100

Updated Project Total:  500/100

Thank you to those of you who continue to encourage my weekly decluttering efforts!  I appreciate your kind comments and your willingness to cheer me along!  Last week, Sara @ My Sewing Room blog left the following comment:

Well done!! I think week #11 was a success - for both of us. I'm at 286 items right now. This week I'm going through a couple of more crates of books we have no interest in keeping. I'm having fun lightening the load around here.

To which I replied:

Sweet!! Way to go, Sara! I'm glad to hear that you're having fun with decluttering. I can't say I am, but I am pleased with my progress.

Please know that...

This concludes the 100 Day Project.  My goal for the past 13 weeks was to focus on the studio.  That was more challenging than it should have been.  Come back next week to see what went in the box during the last 13 weeks.  All I know is that I can't imagine getting as much decluttered without YOU, dear readers.  Thank you for your support during this process!


Until next time...
Do the 100 Day Project!!!


  1. AAAAAWWEsome! You should be proud of yourself. BTW don't lift that box. Let the others use their backs. Ha! Enjoy the new found empty space. ;^)

  2. Wow!!! You definitely deserve a break and I love that you want to continue. I dislike clutter and feel more relaxed and creative without it. Very proud of you for sticking to this!!!

  3. What a great job this week! So many things decluttered! I have been lagging in unpacking but feel the urge to get some done...you are inspirational.

  4. You did a great job with your decluttering. I am sure the craft room would be the hardest. I need to do another decluttering effort too. I skipped the craft room last time!

  5. You certainly did well with the decluttering. You deserve to treat yourself!


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