Saturday, May 11, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 19

Welcome to Week 19 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  Let's start with some PINK art from last Saturday's Season Opening hangout on Get Messy.  The background was excess paint from the day's lesson, but I paired it with finger painted roses made of excess paint from a piece of art shared in last week's post:

Here's how this week progressed...

SUNDAY - The day began with my Weekly Morning Art Zoom where I added details to the following journal spread which was created during yesterday's lesson:

After lunch it was time for my Weekly Zoom call with Knittingsuek:

MONDAY - Before work, I played with more of my PINK scraps to get a jump on my project for this month:

Today didn't go as planned.  I went upstairs before work and did a bit of tidying with the goal of finishing up my post in the link above.  What happened was something quite different...

I bent over to put something in a basket on the table and when I straightened, I knew there was a problem.  I took some Advil immediately, went about the business of getting ready for work, and hoped the pain would disappear. Unfortunately, when I sat down a few minutes before time to leave, I found that I couldn't return to standing without help and severe pain.  No work for me and no playtime, either.  DH came home from work to help get me settled into bed with ice packs for the afternoon.  (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, alternating Advil and Tylenol every 4 hours.)  I remained flat on my back until dinner and then afterwards, as well.  :o((

WEDNESDAY - Thankfully, today began my "mid-week weekend"!  I got up and dressed with DH's assistance.  Standing at the breakfast bar, I ate my bowl of cereal, and went for a stroll around the living room while he ate.  I still needed help getting back into bed.  By the time DH left for work I was nearly asleep on the heating pad.  When I got up, I decided that a trip to the chiropractor was in order.  DS2 ferried me over there and picked me up after my appointment.  When we returned, it was time for my weekly Zoom call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

THURSDAY - Fortunately, I had today off work, as well.  I'm no better off than I was on Tuesday.  Yesterday's adjustment seemed to only exacerbated the pain.  By the middle of the afternoon I was hopeful that I might be able to return to work.  I figured out a way that worked so that I could get out of bed by myself, but DS2 was kind enough to take me to my knitting date with my friend Tracy, since driving was out of the question.  The photo below shows a portion of the HUGE bag of yarn (Thanks for schlepping that inside, DS2!) that Tracy sorted through to find some treasures:

FRIDAY - Work might have preceded by Knit Group, but I didn't want to add extra stress since this was my first day there since my back went out.  :o((

The day ended with my Weekly Evening Art Zoom.  I shared my ink "smooshed" page...

And worked on labeling the pages of the small journal I'm using for the NEW Floral Petite class with Alisa Burke.

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  I'm hoping to make the rounds to all participant blogs this coming week... Especially, since this past week didn't go as planned.  Do you know how hard it is to use the computer when you're flat on your back?!  I didn't fare very well.  Please accept my apologies.  I'll try to do better with visiting and commenting this week.

Until next time...


  1. OMG, Joy! I’m so sorry to hear about your back going out! I hope that you can work it out and get it back to normal quickly, because pain is a friend to no one. You still managed to be very social and have fun, so celebrate the silver linings! Big, gentle hugs coming at you…

  2. Gosh, I'm sorry about your back! Zero fun. I hope it's better soon. Sounds like you have great help, though!

  3. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about your back! That is not fun to deal with. Glad you got a little sewing and arting in before it all happened. Take care, Joy!

  4. Medical misfortune seems to follow you everywhere. I hope the back problem improves soon.

  5. Back problems are no fun at all. I can relate to that. When you're in bed on your back, try bringing your knees to your chest and hug them with both arms as tight as your back will let you. Sometimes, I gently rock myself from left to right. Hold the position for a few seconds (5 -10) and repeat as often as you wish, or necessary. This "exercise" helps my problem. Hope it works for you too and you can get back on your feet soon. Take care. ;^)

  6. Hope your back is 100% better & that your enjoying this beautiful Mother's Day 💐

  7. Oh geez! I had something very similar happen to me while shoveling about 14" of snow one year a long time ago. It totally understand what you mean when you say "excruciating". Hope it eases up soon. I found that doing some simple back exercises helped loosen it up and keep it from coming back. Of course exercises only after the main pain has been alleviated.

    I also found Chantal's exercise helpful. Helps to loosen things up.
    Besides Chantal's suggestion

  8. No apologies needed! I sincerely hope this next week will go better, with a healing back.

  9. Oh my. I'm terribly sorry for you that you experienced a back "incident." It's surprising when that happens, particularly when it occurs just after doing something normal. Sounds like you had it bad. Was the chiropractor able to determine the problem spot? And fix it? It's always tough to not go to work. For me, the guilt was so heavy that I couldn't do anything at home, even if I felt like it. I hope the coming week finds you back to normal. Happy Mother's Day!

  10. I hope you are feeling better each day now and I'm hoping you are celebrating Mother's Day by resting. Enjoy today! ~Jeanne

  11. Oh no. Glad you have hubby and DS2 to help you out. Hope the back is better this weekend.

  12. Glad you are on the mend. Back trouble is no fun - but you seem to know what to do...I don't think I would. Hope it is a better week for you!

  13. Your Get Messy card is fabulous, and the finger painted roses are so lovely! I am so sorry to hear about you back. I do hope that you are starting to feel better by now.


  14. eewww I know about throwing a back out. Chiropractor was no help at all.


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