Saturday, May 25, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC 24 - Week 21

Welcome to Week 21 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week is going to be a crap shoot.  I'm scheduled for nearly full time hours at work.  I'm guessing that means I'm covering for someone's vacation.

Let's see how the week went...

SUNDAY - The Guest Blogger(s)The Guest Blogger(s)

I was pleased to attend my Weekly Morning Art Zoom.  It was our "official" monthly meeting which meant that we played a round of Roll the Dice game. The prompts were scribble, stencil, collage, marks, and smoosh.  I started with a page of leftover paint from a class I took last night and went through the various techniques to end up with the following:

While it may look like a hot mess, the important part is that it was fun!

Later, I was supposed to Zoom with Knittingsuek, but we canceled this week.

MONDAY - Work...

Was followed by my Monthly Quilt Guild meeting, but first...

Dinner came with a surprise, as Britt showed up after her meeting:

Tonight's main event was our annual Silent Auction:

I came home with the following items in support of the Guild:
2 pillow forms (for upcoming replacement gifts)
2 pieces of fabric for potential journal covers

1 six-yard cut of fabric for quilt backing
4 books
3 patterns
1 new quilt ruler
1 quilted jacket

TUESDAY - Work...

Was followed by another round of decluttering before my post went live.  Click the following link to see how I did this week:

Since that was taken care of, I took some time to make art when I got home:


Was followed by my Weekly Zoom call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

Oh!  I did bring home one more thing Monday night...

Francine brought me a "Bag of Joy".  (Thank you, Francine!)  You and Diane certainly keep me well stocked in the scrap department:

BOJ, otherwise known as a bag of fabric scraps.  The photo above is me showing LeeAnna the bag.  It was fun to share the contents with her.

THURSDAY - Work...

Was followed by tackling Mt. Washmore.  I wanted the upcoming weekend to be free of chores, so decided to catch up on it now, since my back is feeling a lot better.

Here's a peek inside that "Bag of Joy" that I shared yesterday.  It was fun going through the bag with LeeAnna!  As luck would have it, there's even a tiny bit of PINK:

After dinner, I loaded the car for tomorrow's donation drop-off:

FRIDAY - FINALLY!!!  A day off work (and next week I'm only scheduled for two days.  Go figure!)  
Before leaving the house this morning, I rearranged a few things so that I could keep my #100Days100ThingsDecluttered box to use again:

My long weekend began with a Knit Group surprise:

Tracy had a doctor appointment and scheduled some time with us before heading to work!  :o))

When Knit Group ended, I went UN-shopping (otherwise known as returns) and made a quick stop at the grocery store.  Errands were followed by lunch at home and then off to my weekly chiropractic appointment, along with some art and sewing.

If you've visited for the last little while, you probably know that there was MORE art after dinner.  My Weekly Evening Art Zoom is one of the highlights of each week.  Tonight, I worked on my page for the HOME prompt:

Love makes a house a home.

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, but I'm going on an ARTventure with Britt today so I'll be late to the joining the link-up.  Before lunch we each worked on a page for the Messy May Challenge...

We went right back to art-ing after lunch with a fun new technique called Lasagna Papers from Rae Missigman:

Hopefully, you weren't waiting for me before visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  Since we're having a long weekend, I may actually get to visit everyone!  At least, I'm hoping that's what it means.  Also, I was SEW excited to have finished this post that I forgot about linking up.  (Sigh...  I'll get with the program eventually.)

Until next time...


  1. Glad to read that your back is less painful, when I read you worked nearly full time I wondered how that went! I loved the peek at BOJ--what a great name to call the scrappy gifts! Enjoy your weekend!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  2. The silent auction was huge. How can one decide what to buy? You came out with lovely goodies. Glad to hear your back is better. Enjoy your artful days. ;^)

  3. Your challenge now, dear Joy, since you brought home 14 items from the silent auction, is to declutter 14 items from the craft/sewing/quilting supplies. That's one of the secrets to decluttering. One item in, one item out. Cheers and have a good weekend. I'm off to plant zinnias and hope the rabbits don't eat them all.

  4. hahaha mt washmore! that's my situation that must be remedied soo...great post

  5. Love the results of the roll the dice game! You did well supporting the guild and then filling the trunk with donations. You had a lot of interaction with your friends too, hooray on all fronts.

  6. You did well at your guild auction. And with the decluttering. Wow!!

  7. Glad to see you going about your week and the back is better. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Happy to see that your back is better. Well done with the 100 day project. The art journal pages look wonderful!! Playing with colors is always so much fun!



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