Saturday, May 18, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC 24 - Week 20

Welcome to Week 20 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  Thank you to the quilty friends who sent healing vibes my way after last week's back trouble.  I'm hoping that things will return to normal this week.

Let's see if there was any scrappy sewing...

SUNDAY - The day began with my Weekly Morning Art Zoom where I did a little of this and a little of that, but didn't take any photos when I was done the after lunch, I enjoyed my Weekly Zoom call with Knittingsuek:

Later, I made up for lost time by creating this page in my Messy Challenge journal following the methods of @craftysheri's lesson for Day 8 of Messy May:

MONDAY - Before work, I used the heating pad on my back and took a nap.  After work I had another visit at the chiropractor.  When I returned home, I found that our yard had received some new markings:

Work went better today, as yesterday's adjustment seemed to help a good bit, but now I'm back to icing for inflammation relief.  I did a little bit of PINK scrap quilting this morning AND this evening, but as evidenced below, there's still more stitching to be done:


Was followed by my weekly Zoom call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

THURSDAY - Today is the beginning of a 4-day weekend for me.  Yay!

Guess who attended Weekly Quilt Bee???  Not me!  I also didn't meet my friend Hilary for lunch at Saratoga Grill like we had planned.  :o((

I did do some grocery shopping, though, and made it home in time for the Winging It hangout on Get Messy:

I had gotten a head start on this page in my Hangout Journal, but spent some time coloring in loops during the "create-abration" for Get Messy's 10th birthday:

Just prior to the event, I printed out the zine that Phoebe created for us to incorporate in our NOW page for the day's Messy May prompt.  I worked on my page and added some color to the zine:

FRIDAY - I was happy to attend Knit Group today and even remembered to get a photo:

This afternoon, I was back at the chiropractor's office.  I'm working up to maintenance level.

After dinner, I headed up to the studio for my Weekly Evening Art Zoom.  I worked on today's VINTAGE prompt for Messy May...

And hung out to chat with Britt after them meeting was over:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will visit with Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  I'm not sure that I'm going manage to make the rounds to the participant blogs this week either, but I'm going to try!!  It's been a challenge to stay seated long enough to check out the links.  :o((

Please accept my apologies.  I want get back in the swing of things, as I have really missed seeing what everyone has been up to with their PINK fabric scraps.  Hopefully, in another week or two, it will happen.  In the meantime, thank you to those of you who continue to visit my posts.  Know that I appreciate you!  Special quilty hugs to readers who leave kind comments, as well.  :o))

Until next time...


  1. Good to hear you are on the upswing with your back. Back pain is miserable.

  2. No matter the pain, you can still shine that beautiful smile of yours. Happy to know you're on the mending road. Take care. ;^)

  3. Oh pretty princess in pink, I wish you healing and comfort so that you may return to all things you love with passion!

  4. I hope each day finds you feeling better. Glad the chiropractor is helping, and that you've been able to do some of your favorite things. Those pink scraps look like something fun!

  5. Sending healing vibes your way. . .back pain is miserable.--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  6. So glad you are getting better. Hang in there!

  7. I hope you continue to get better, Joy! It looks like you continue to be a super social quilter/knitter!!!


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