Monday, January 1, 2024

RSC24 - The Plan - {Rainbow Scrap Challenge}


Happy New Year!!!

Welcome to my planning post for the 2024 Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  Welcome to a new year.  Welcome to another year of using my scraps down to the very last inch.  It may take a lifetime, but it is SEW much fun!! With that goal in mind, I am beginning my 10th year of participation in the RSC.  Angela hosts this colorful monthly event to encourage us to sew up ALL of our fabric scraps, one color at a time, by assigning each month a color of the rainbow.

What's on your project list for the coming year, Joyful???

Last year, I really meant to make blocks from Rachel @ Stitched in Color's Pas De Deux BOM.  I didn't get very far.  I got distracted by my Guild's Neighborhood Challenge and made blocks for that instead.

However, as I sewed for the...

2023 ABC (Table) SCRAPS Challenge here on the blog, I kept Angela's RSC Color of the Month prompts in mind to create a series of small quilted projects.  It was a great way to use some of my fabric scraps during the last 12 months.

During 2024...

 I  plan to continue my focus on the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge in Angela's RSC Color of the Month.  YOU are welcome to join me!  Click on the LINK too find out more about this year's Challenge.  Everything else will be secondary (and I'm not going to beat myself up about it.)

If time allows...

I would like to create a donation quilt top in each of the RSC Colors of the Month, inspired by Jasmine @ Quilt Kisses and her TUTORIAL for the Jumbo Jelly Roll Race quilt.  If you have followed the tutorial, you may recognize that I went a little off track with the two quilts below.  I had a specific size in mind, so altered the cutting plan:

Umm, Joyful... Where are the scraps in those quilts???

While, you might be correct in thinking there are no scraps, but there COULD be!  I plan to add random scrappy squares in the Color of the Month.  It seems like a good use of some stash fabric and scrap chunks.  Plus, I really just want to try something a little different in the coming year!

If I'm feeling REALLY ambitious...

I may try to get them quilted and bound during the month, too!

As always...

If I suddenly feel the urge to make quilt blocks, I reserve the right to alter my course for 2024!

Let's take a look back to 2023 in Joyful Quilterland...

Since we KNOW that I didn't make many blocks, just what DID I do with my quilting time???

I immersed myself in my art journaling instead of getting my studio completely unpacked and organized.  While NOT engaged in those activities (or art-ing), I worked on sewing small scrap projects for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  The studio is fully functional, but in 2024 it needs additional decluttering in order to be MORE comfortable.  Some more organizing probably needs to happen for that to occur.

My fabric scraps made the following:

20  mini quilts/quilted mug rugs
2  table mat/runners
4 quilted pin cushions
2 wall hangings
2 large gift quilts
5 other quilted items

For a total of...

Thirty-five (35) scrappy projects that I completed as part of the 2023 Rainbow Scrap Challenge (in conjunction with my own TABLE SCRAP Challenge offered here on the blog) and a variety of other events.

You can see all of these in my 2023 Year in Review post.  I did my best to sew with the assigned Color of the Month throughout the calendar year.  These small scrappy projects bring me great joy and entice me to spend time in the studio!!!

Aside from my scrap usage...

I also completed seven (7) UFOs over the course of the year.  My list changed each quarter and I didn't stress which items were (or weren't) completed.  I had one (1) "client quilt" to keep me busy once the longarm was feeling well enough to quilt.  I managed to keep the number of  new starts to a minimum (and maximized my time at Quilt Retreat) so progress on the UFO List was much improved.

In spite being slow to "right" the studio in 2023, it was still quite a productive year for my Rainbow Scrap Challenge endeavors.  Wish me luck for a productive 2024!

A new LINK PARTY will be posted on each Saturday of the year.

Until next time...
SCRAPPY New Year!!!


  1. Love your 2024 goals!! heres to a LOT of ambition and lots of fun!!!

  2. It always feels good to finish up some UFOs that have been hanging around - I'm hoping to do that this year, too. Those yellow and white jelly roll quilts are intriguing me as well! Good luck with everything you want to do this year - it will all be fun!

  3. What a great set of plans for 2024! I look forward to seeing your scrappy and 'stashed' projects!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  4. Good luck with your RSC2024 goals. You did great in 2023 -- keep it up!

  5. You did a lot in 2023 and righting the studio is hard when there is other work (oh that job) to be done. I love to watch what you do and your process!

  6. I like the idea of using the RSC color of the month to make a charity quilt each month!!!

  7. Hi Joyful, congrats on all of those fun, scrappy finishes! Looking forward to more fun. Happy New Year!

  8. To me a scrap is a fat quarter or less, so you can easily call those scrap quilts.

  9. Little projects add up! It seems like you made a lot more progress than you think last year. Love the plan for this year. Here's to feeling really ambitious once or twice this year!

  10. That's quite a few projects completed in 2023! Wishing you a fun filled crafty 2024.

  11. Sounds like an ambitious plan. Quilters should always reserve the right to change the plan when inspiration strikes. Squirrels are the most fun of all projects.

  12. Great plans and goals! Here’s to a creative, successful and “arty “ new year!


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