Saturday, November 11, 2023

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC23 - Week 45

Welcome to Week 45 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week was a crazy week at work and ZERO sewing got done. If you enjoy seeing my art, keep reading. 

SUNDAY - Today was a busy day.  It began with my weekly ELASM Hangout at Get Messy.  This morning I worked on the right hand page of the journal spread below:

This afternoon was an ART-venture Day with Britt:

I worked on this and a few other journal spreads:

I thought the Junior Quilter's birthday party was scheduled for later in the afternoon... Too bad I got the date wrong and MISSED IT!!!  :o((

I swung by Knittingsuek's on the way home, but she was napping.  She left a gift for me on her porch.  I couldn't wait to dig in!  Sorry that I didn't take a photo, but I was in a hurry to get to the pharmacy before it closed.


After dinner, I paged through a magazine to find some lovely photos of Fall foliage and planned out this journal spread:

TUESDAY - What says Autumn more that pumpkin season?  Before work I added a few details to the pumpkin themed collage I did last night:


Afterwards, I had a fight with Zoom to be able to join my weekly call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

After dinner, I felt to going for a walk...

On the treadmill, while knitting a round or two:

THURSDAY - Work is getting busier as the holidays approach.  In order to prepare for my day, I added some leaves to the watercolor page that I did last night:

FRIDAY - Work was a complete zoo today!!  I marched myself straight up to the studio when I got home.  The tree drawn this morning needed some red and orange 'leaves' added and I benefited from the calming activity of mixing paint and dabbing on additional dots of color:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week because I haven't sewn a stitch to share here.  Heck!  I haven't even set up my sewing space since Retreat!!  Shocking, right?  I was itching to get back to it, but that just didn't happen and may not happen today either.

Why not, Joyful ??? 

Because it's an Art Day.   I'll be searching through the magazines I bought on the way home yesterday to see if I can find more Fall-themed photos for my Collaged Pamphlet journal.


Right after lunch, I'll be attending a virtual art journaling class.  Today is another lesson in Get Messy's Pocket Gratitude Class with Helen @ Journal With Purpose.

Until next time...


  1. You can knit while walking on the treadmill? I'm impressed! So glad you can find art therapy in your fun paper and journaling projects - we all need that in some form or other!

  2. Why *wouldn't* we want to see your art? I'm glad you're enjoying! And I am also very impressed that you can knit while walking on the treadmill. Pretty sure if I tried it there would be significant injuries! :)

  3. Wow, knitting on the treadmill? I'm afraid I'm not that coordinated. Wonder if I could knit on the exercise bike? Might make it more bearable! Art is good for all of us. The grand kids and I are into rubber stamping and water colors right now.

  4. I love that you can knit on the treadmill...that would be scary for me. You will get back to sewing when you are ready...retreats sometimes have a rebound effect after all that sewing.

  5. Such a great post, Joy. As always a wonderful read for me. What jumped out was you can knit whilst on the treadmill!! That is quite a feat! Your talent knows no bounds!

  6. Sorry to hear that work is going crazy, but you have found a great way to deal with the stress. It's great to see your journal pages again, specially the watercolour ones. How do you knit while walking on the treadmill?! I am impressed.



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