Wednesday, October 5, 2022

FALL 2022 (Ravelry) UFO Club - The List

Welcome back to The Joyful Quilter!!  The FALL 2022 UFO Club is now OPEN for sign-ups!!  Participants MUST list (at least) FIVE projects. Photos should accompanied the list. Sign-ups end at midnight EDT on October 7, 2022.

NOTE: All qualifying finishes must be posted BEFORE midnight (EST) on December 31, 2022!!!

What's your strategy, Joyful???

Given the "at least FIVE" project requirement for participation, I tend to err on the side MORE is better.  You see, I'm a moody quilter.  That is simply because I have to "be in the mood" to work on a particular project!  By varying the size and style of the items included on my list, I give myself a better chance at finding something I want to work on during the quarter.  Today I'm checking in with my project list.

Here is my project list for the FALL 2022 (Ravelry) UFO Club:

1. PositivityQAL/Block Drive #1 (2021)  DONE!!!  11/6/22
2. PositivityQAL/Block Drive #3 (2021 only PURPLE)  DONE!! 10/26/22

3. PositivityQAL/Block Drive #2 (2021 with GREEN)  DONE!! 10/25/22

4. Grand Illusion (2014)  DONE!! 10/24/22!!!

5. Pale Blue & Green Topper (2022) DONE!! 10/22/22!!!

6. Batik Runner (2022 on Right)

7. Maggie's PURPLE Runner (2022)

8. QFK Challenge (2022)

9. Kaffe Runner/Topper (2022)

10. Blue and Green for Parrish (2016)


I scaled back this quarter and only have 10 projects listed for the Fall 2022 UFO Club which gives me PLENTY of options, but doesn't seem totally out of the realm of possibility, either.  My goal is actually only ONE finish for the quarter.  More than that would be a bonus!  At minimum, I hope to finish three of these.  My "pie-in-the-sky" goal for this session is to knock out a fabulous five before the end of the year!
There's still time for YOU to join in the finishing fun!  Several of my blog readers are participants and have been finishing projects right and left.  Deb @ Happy to be Scrappy was our Rock Star for the Summer session.  She knocked SEVEN projects off her list!  If you have 5 or more quilting UFOs, go take a look.  Sign-ups are open through Friday, October 7th @ midnight (EDT) on the Quilters Knitting group on Ravelry today.  Email if you need help with the process.

Until next time...
Wish me luck!!


  1. That is quite a new list for you! I added a few more to my list yesterday before the close. I need to stop looking into different containers and finding more projects!

  2. I made a list of UFO's in January. It is up to 74 UFO's so far. Only a few have been finished this year. My little guild is having a UFO challenge this year. We don't have to finish any, but we are supposed to work on different ones each month. Being out of town most of the summer, I'm behind. Good luck with your UFO's.

  3. Good luck with your list - you do have your work cut out for you. I joined another ufo party and got my first 3 done! Cheering you on!


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