Saturday, October 8, 2022

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC22 - Week 40

Welcome to Week 40 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week, I managed to dig through my LIME/Light GREEN scrap basket:

But, Joyful, did you SEW???  Read on to find out...

SUNDAY - I had an ARTventure with Needleb.  We worked on our Board Book journals from a FREE class with @drewsteinbrecher who is also a Modern Quilter:

I stopped by Knittingsuek's on the way, as she had a package for me...

... Even though we began the day with our regularly scheduled Zoom session:

This afternoon, I remembered that I didn't share my completed spread from yesterday's ARTventure.  It ended up a pleasing combination of my work and a few of Britt's scraps:

TUESDAY - I was involved with art classes for most of the day, but this evening I used a handful of scraps that I brought home from Britt's to assemble the collage shown on the left in the following photo, but added a few finishing details of my own:

The other thing I did was fire up The Beast in order to begin quilting this Lime/Light GREEN quilt square, but had to turn right around and rip out all the stitching:

This morning, I made a decision about the left hand page shown here and glued down the bold marks you see:

Some pages come together quickly.  Others... Not so much!  (It didn't help that I had been trying to force the purple from the other side to come play over on the decidedly more green page.)

This afternoon was my weekly Zoom with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

In our Light GREEN attire!!  :o))

THURSDAY - Work and a Wordle win...

Was followed by a nail-biter of a Quordle game:

FRIDAY - Before work. I trimmed up the page I put together in my Board Book journal last night:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  I imagine that you will see a LOT more quilting going on there while I've been busy having fun with paint and paper!  This is the latest page (done as a "blind contour" drawing with paint added afterwards) in my altered book journal:

The good news is that I've selected a Lime/Light GREEN quilt project to work on.  I hope to share that with you next week.

Until next time...


  1. The board book projects look interesting! Are you covering the pages with your art work? Sorry to hear you had to rip out quilting stitches - that's no fun!

  2. So maybe, just maybe, I’ve solved my commenting problem. I love all your creative projects!

  3. Having had a recent quilting rip-out party, I sympathize with the ripping out needed!

  4. Creativity is taking you in multiple directions. So fun!!!

  5. You lime green square looks wonderful and great journal pages. The one under Tuesday is my most favourite. Well Done!!



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