Saturday, September 23, 2017

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC17 - Week 38

Welcome to Week 38 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week I thought that I might try be focused on getting into the sewing room more often.

Here's how that focus worked...

SUNDAY - I spent the majority of my time last night sulking about not linking up with Cynthia's Quilty Orphan Adoption over on Quilting is more fun than Housework.  I had intended to choose a project (or 2 or 3!) to adopt out to some unsuspecting... er... enthusiastic quilter, but each time I went in the studio, some other task caught my attention.  I even had a blog post partially prepared!  :o((

Today, I was more productive.  My Quilt Bee met for a Charity Sew Day to benefit hurricane victims.  We decided to participate in the MSQC Pillowcase Drive.  Between the five of us, we made 16 cases:

You can read more about our Pillowcase-a-thon in today's Sew Some Love Sunday post.

MONDAY - Knit Group met today and tonight was Quilt Guild. Quilt judging was the topic of the evening's talk.  This shot is for the RSC Quilters reading along:

There's ORANGE in that quilt!!  :o))

TUESDAY - Sew Day at D's house.  I brought my (BIG) bag of tricks, but concentrated on some trimming:

Some cutting... in ORANGE...

... And I'm ready to begin work on my SJS blocks:

 Maybe NEXT week!!

I also worked on finishing up the two pillowcase kits that I brought home after Sunday's Pillowcase-A-Thon:

Mistakes were made, but the recipients will never know.
I switched the accent strips on these two!  :o((

WEDNESDAY - The Asheville Trip (postponed from last week) went well.  The Author and I visited a lovely shop called Friends and Fiberworks:

The purpose of the trip was a Book Signing event for The Author:

You can get your copy of
Malice In Wonderland: A Knitting Game Mystery
at this Amazon LINK or the following links will take you to Ravelry for the shawl pattern
or for a signed copy of the book.

For me, it was a Wine and Cheese Party with a side of knitting... er... yarn buying:

PHOTO CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE!!!  (Shh!  DH is wandering around near where I'm typing!)

THURSDAY - My weekly Quilt Group took a field trip to Pineapple Fabrics.  I didn't NEED to buy more fabric, but...

I was "the winner" by about $5.00, but if I had put that last FQ back, it would nearly have been a 3-way tie!!

FRIDAY - Coffee Club meeting today.  Strange day with only three in attendance, down to two after only a very short time.  That's OK!  Look what a difference a week made on my Wolkig by Martina Behm:

I had some shopping to do in the afternoon, but in the early evening I did something new-to-me and entered The Blogger's Quilt Festival... TWICE!!  You can follow these links to entry one and entry two.

SATURDAY - Oh, PLEASE!!!  Let me just sit and veg on the couch today!!!  Well... AFTER finishing this post and joining Angela's LINK PARTY over on the So Scrappy blog.  :o))

ORANGE is September's Color of the Month and if that's one of your favorite colors (like it is mine!), you are sure to enjoy having a look around all the participating blogs.

I leave you with some ORANGE goodness out in the wild...

... And from my closet:


An unexpected rainbow:

Found at THIS POST at Mary and Patch blog.

Until next time...
Get Scrappy!!!


  1. Busy week. Hope you are able to sit and relax with a crafty project of your choice today!

  2. Great job on the pillowcases! I have fabric and plans to make at least one to give, but for some reason haven't gotten to it yet. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Wow, that's a lot of pillowcases! I'm sure they will be appreciative.

  4. Thanks for that Wolkig heads-up! I just printed out the pattern and am wishing I had some yarn at hand. Oh, dear, might have to go buy yarn...

  5. Looks like you are ready to get started on your orange blocks. So many fun acttities this week.

  6. i understand distraction - ha ha - looks lke you had a great week!

  7. You have so many fiber-related adventures! Love the Malice In Wonderland shawl and your Wolkig is looking gorgeous!

  8. So much going on, it's hard to choose a subject to comment on. Wait, the rainbow! Now there's a rainbow many of us would love in our respective sewing room. Imagine!
    And I like :)

  9. That thread picture is amazing. You had a fun orange-y week!

  10. That thread picture is amazing. You had a fun orange-y week!

  11. I need more thread like I need more fabric..... hahahaha But there is just something about those rainbow displays that is magnetic. Like a shiny thing to a magpie..... perhaps I was a bower bird in a previous life....

  12. Wow, what a wonderful week you had! Love the rainbow thread display!

  13. That was a very busy week. Hope you've had a chance to spend some time with your orange scraps this week.

  14. Wow! Gosh - you had some fun times in this post. :) I recognize those Sapphire mystery blocks!


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