Friday, July 22, 2016

Design Floor Friday - Tennis, Anyone?

It's time for a new edition of Design Floor Friday!!  Today you will find The Tennis T-Quilt all over the floor.  It was ready, but the Mom wanted to help arrange the shirts.  This is what we came up with together:

Time is running out on this one and since the squares were cut earlier this week, it only made sense to lay it out one more time and figure out what to do with:

The MISSING shirt!!!

That one little shirt caused a LOT of rearranging.  The layout made its way through several incarnations...

The changes were so subtle that even I couldn't distiguish a difference, so I just posted the final image.  First, I plonked in the shirt up near the top:

 Then I change a few things and then a few more.  Ultimately, HERE is was I ended up with...

... A bit of asymmetry added some balance.  Go figure!!  That was BEFORE the addition of borders on the smaller blocks, though.  

We'll see what happens THEN!!!

THIS is the direction that I'm headed:

 Stay tuned for what that will look like.  I'm hoping to have the top done by the end of next week.

Until then...
Wish me luck!!!


  1. It's so true - the asymmetry added balance! You are a braver quilter than me to take on a t-shirt quilt. Looks great so far!

  2. Well done! Arranging the Tshirts always causes me much angst.


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