Saturday, August 5, 2023

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC23 - Week 31

Welcome to Week 31 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week was a mixed bag.  A lot of work.  A lot of art-ing.  I'm guessing YOU are here to find out if I did any quilting.  Am I right?

Read on to discover the verdict...

Zoom with Knittingsuek:

My interpretation of the bird prompt for ICAD was done with layers of gel prints and traced birds:

MONDAY - Work and bidding farewell to RED, as another color is on the horizon:

This evening, I enjoyed the final AMA with @awohstudios for July.  It was my last one, as I opted not to join Andrea's Watch.Learn.Play art membership at this time.  I going to miss the Under the Influence sessions, but I couldn't keep up that frenzied pace while still working outside the home.  I know I don't HAVE to attend every session offered, but...  FOMO is real, people!!  (Thank you for a wonderful July filled with art exploration, Andrea!)

TUESDAY - Work was followed by...

Saying hello to YELLOW!!  It's the NEW Color of the Month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  These mini quilts will soon be displayed on my studio gallery wire:

WEDNESDAY - Work???  Not today, but we had no water at our house!!  So... I took myself on an ART-venture...

A visit with my friend Hilary found the back of my car filled with these:


The postcard shown below was completed after spending some time at Britt's house:

Thanks for letting me use your art space for the afternoon, B (and your sewing machine, too!)

After dinner, I spent some time in my own studio.  I decided it was high time to complete the last remaining prompt in my 2023 Messy May journal.  I present (a simplified version of) Sunburst:

THURSDAY - Work was followed by...

A long-overdue Zoom session with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color.  Unfortunately, I had a later than normal shift and an errand to run before I got home.  A short call is better than no call and a silly photo with the two of us decked out in YELLOW fit the bill for today:

This evening, I had some fun with the "In the Garden" prompt for Junk Journal July.  I selected a garden plan as a base and an image to collage on top, then added some additional details in acrylic paints and markers:

FRIDAY - Knit Group preceded...

Work.  I'm just glad that I was scheduled for a later shift so that I could stop by for a visit with these lovely ladies:

This evening, a neighbor and I enjoyed a garden tour...

And I added a variety of marks to this little booklet made during the ama-ZINE class at Get Messy:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  Angela must be busy this weekend because it's after noon and she hasn't gotten the party started.  Check back later for the direct link.

Until next time...


  1. Another busy week for you! So glad you got to touch bases with LeeAnna! Won’t it be fun to put yellow art on the gallery wire! I put up some sunflower touches in our living room! Much cheerier!

  2. Sounds like a good week. Love that you turned missing water into time with friends. Your mini yellow quilts are so bright and cheery! ~Jeanne

  3. You are one busy lady! You sure don't let work slow you down. Love that the color yellow is this week's go-round. It's one of my favorite colors. It just makes me happy. You sure have a box full of books there! Quilting books? If you ever come across a copy of Svetlana Sotak's "That Handmade Touch," I'll buy it! I love a summertime garden tour.

  4. I'm a little jealous of your mini quilt hanger. I love it when you post a pic of your minis there!

  5. A busy week and do I spy yellow nails to go with the month of August? Hope this week is a good one... and the water issue is all fixed.

  6. what a fun & adventurous week you've had,luv those yellow nails😁

  7. Except for the loss of water (yikes!) it looks like a great week!

  8. Love the page from your "bird" prompt! It looks like the beach. Hopefully this week has been as creative.

  9. Love your yellow minis, yellow shirt, yellow flowers, yellow nails, Joy!!!


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