Saturday, June 29, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 26

Welcome to Week 26 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  I'll cut to the chase.  This week was another mixed bag. Did I get any BLUE scrap sewing done?  Maybe so, but you'll need to keep reading to find out for sure.

However, here is what you missed from LAST Saturday...

I enjoyed an afternoon Get Messy Art Zoom with Kristi Nazarro:

I worked on this little accordion journal made from a magazine page that I had been saving:


Had an impromptu Zoom call with Britt since the class ended earlier that we thought it might:

SUNDAY - During my Weekly Morning Art Zoom, I worked on a few random projects, but didn't take any photos.

After a quick bite to eat, I enjoyed my weekly Zoom call with Knittingsuek:

Later in the afternoon, I completed the second out of four lessons from the FREE Watercolor Mastery class that I signed up for earlier this month:


Late in the evening, I began to feel unwell.  Headachy, feverish, and then chills set in, so I took some Tylenol and headed to bed.  I'm not pointing any fingers, but someone in our household suffered from similar symptoms all last week.  Sigh...

I was supposed to work today, but...

I'm sick (again)!  This morning, the fever was gone, but the body aches and nausea had set in.  :o((

I didn't sew, knit, or art today.  I napped off and on all day.  (Un) Lucky me!  My fever came back at dinnertime.  The only photo for today... BLUE scraps in quilts on my bed comforted me:

WEDNESDAY - Day off work.  Thankfully! 

I rested much of the day and felt a LOT better by midafternoon, so it appears that it was just a 24-hour bug.  I braved the stairs and went up to the studio to do a bit of art.  The prompts were hummingbird and coffee.  I finished these two ICAD entries...

Before time to Zoom with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

I also completed the next layer of my Mixed Media Poppy lesson from The Social Easel:

THURSDAY - Work was followed by a brief rest and a trip to visit with my Monthly Evening Quilt Bee friends.  It was a packed house tonight!  We had 11 quilters in attendance:

Well... Technically, 7 quilters, 1 cross stitcher, 1 knitter, and 2 art journalers!  :o))


Once dinner was done, I headed upstairs for my Weekly Evening Art Zoom to work on these two pages in my Ugly Art Club 5 Minute Challenge journal:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.

As for my sewing for the week...

I managed a bit of sewing before work on Thursday.  It was my Show and Tell for that night's Quilt Bee meeting:

Until next time...


  1. Glad it was just a little bug that got you down and you're back on your (pretty painted) feet again!

  2. I'm glad you're on the mend from whatever bug you had this week. And what a busy week! I'm always intrigued by the art projects.

  3. It's always good to have a pretty quilt to cuddle under when you're not feeling well. Glad you're feeling better now. Your watercolor of ocean and beach is lovely!

  4. What a week. Glad you were feeling better quickly. Sounds like you didn't have time to be sick with all that quilty fun.

  5. For someone who missed a day and bit due to illness, you sure manage to squeeze in quite the agenda over the course of a week. Love the blue being the comforter you sported while recuperating.

  6. I'm so glad you are feeling better! I love the diversity of your Quilt Bee. Before the Pandemic, we had a similar group. ~Jeanne

  7. What a busy week you had! Glad you are feeling better. Beautiful blue quilt on the comforter. Pretty watercolor arts. Happy July 4th!


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