Saturday, June 1, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 22

Welcome to Week 22 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week

SUNDAY - Weekly Morning Art Zoom found me working in my Get Messy Art Journal:

My weekly Zoom call with Knittingsuek followed, but I neglected to get a photo.  :o((

Later in the afternoon, Meg Journals put up a new video on YouTube.  I'm a sucker for making paper bag journals, so once my sewing was done, I jumped right in with the first part of the process:

MONDAY - Holiday!!  No work, all play!  :o))

What were you playing with, Joyful???

I played with some PINK scraps in an expansion effort for this month's donation quilt:

TUESDAY - Tidy Up Tuesday

Back to work today.  Sigh...

After a trip to the grocery store, I experimented with a paint technique I've been noticing around Instagram.  My plastic produce bag didn't hold the air well enough to properly produce a flower design, but it was worth a try:

WEDNESDAY - Work was followed by...

My weekly Zoom call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color was canceled this week, as we both ended up with afternoon appointments on our calendar.  :o((

THURSDAY - My weekend started early, as I'm off work today and tomorrow.  Yay!!  I had hoped that meant that I could attend my Weekly Quilt Bee meeting.  Did that happen???

Nope!  My SIL wanted to meet for lunch:

After lunch, I went shoe shopping and then met my friend Cindy for a snack at her favorite coffee shop on the way home:

A quick dinner was followed by my Monthly Evening Quilt Bee:

I shared this month's RSC Donation Quilt:

I went to Knit Group this morning WITHOUT my knitting.  Whoops!  Fortunately, I had one of my art journals in my bag with some collage papers and a glue stick:

Today, I'm saying goodbye to my pink scraps and...

Tomorrow I'll be saying hello, BLUE!!  Here is what I have available to work with in the month of June:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  In the meantime, I'll be working on changing over the quilts on the Gallery Wire:

Until next time...


  1. I love your Gallery wire ! What a great place to display small treasures!
    You have really had a busy week! Happy stitching!

  2. Your pink donation quilt is lovely, Joy! I love the photo of it with your gallery wire, too. Looks like you had a fun week meeting up with friends!

  3. Great donation quilt. I can see it going to a breast cancer patient.

  4. Great RSC quilt in pinks! A full month of blue should be fun.

  5. Nice idea for a donation quilt, pretty and scrappy and simple to make! What a lovely pile of blue scraps! Wonder what you'll do with them? Something great, I bet!


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