Saturday, June 8, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 23

Welcome to Week 23 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week may prove to be a mixed bag.  Will any sewing happen?

Read on to find out...

SUNDAY - The week started off with my Weekly Morning Art Zoom and followed with a makeup Zoom with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

MONDAY - Work was followed by the addition of some finishing details on my first two pieces for the 2024 ICAD Challenge:

TUESDAY - Work was followed by not much of anything, as I have been experiencing vertigo since the wee hours of the morning.  This is my first time with such unpleasantness and I am NOT a fan!

WEDNESDAY - Today began my mid-week weekend.  The world was still spinning overnight, but as long as I don't bend over or tilt my to write anything, I'm OK so I ran some errands this morning and Zoomed with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color in the midday:

When LeeAnna had to go make lunch, I worked on decorating the "card" that I made yesterday afternoon.  The stenciling is a bit smudged, as I used the wrong kind of paint to begin with, but I'm pleased with the finished product:

THURSDAY - Once the world settled down and I could function, I turned the "card" I shared yesterday into a little journal.  The junk mail pamphlet was sewn in and one of its pages folds out to reveal a few more pages to work on:


A nap, some art occupied my time...

And I thought some of you might be interested in the view out my studio window.  It has changed a bit:

FRIDAY - Knit Group...

Was followed by an art party...

The afternoon found me at my chiropractor appointment and after dinner I enjoyed my Weekly Evening Art Zoom rounded out the day.  I worked on my Day 5 and Day 6 ICAD entries:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I'm guessing that most of you have already visited Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  I got a slow start this morning after sleeping straight thru thanks to my friend's suggestion to take Benadryl to relieve the vertigo symptoms.  I just won't be taking it in the morning again, as I had to go back to bed after breakfast.  Whoops!

On the scrap sewing front, I've narrowed down my BLUE sewing options.  I pulled the following strip set remnants from Francine and have developed a plan:

Thanks, Francine!!  I'm excited to work with the scraps you passed along a couple weeks ago.

This afternoon, I worked on finishing up a journal page started in yesterday morning's Get Messy class with @gabrielle_heckenbucker:

I'm hoping to find time to visit with my RSC Quilter friends tomorrow.

Until next time...


  1. good for you, so much art and visiting with friends!!
    boy that house looks big from your window

  2. Wow! When I have Vertigo, I couldn't lift my head off the pillow and even that was spinning. Not a fun feeling. Hope you are feeling better.

  3. i too had bouts of vertigo but found they were alleviated by upping my water intake...sometimes that is the cause...

  4. The vertigo definitely doesn't sound welcome - hope it is gone now. Those look like pretty blues to play with - and cut into strips already is helpful, too! Hope you gain some friendly new neighbors to compensate for the loss of your view!

  5. Hope your vertigo is long gone. I love your pile of blue scraps - waiting to see what they become. Hope that big new house has great neighbors one of these days.


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