Thursday, December 5, 2024

Throwback Thursday - A Funny Thing About Art Supplies & other stories

Welcome to another edition of Throwback Thursday!!  It's has been months since my last post in this series.  If you are here for the quilting, thanks for stopping by.  Come back this weekend for more about that.  Today, I'm here to share some overdue stories that I had intended to share closer to the time these items came to be in my possession.  Alas, time got away from me, so let's roll back the clock.

We'll begin with a funny story about art supplies...

Last week's Mail Call Monday post shared a box of art supplies that Quilt Diva Julie sent.  The funny thing is that when Julie's box arrived, I had just been to The Scrap Exchange (an artist reuse center in Durham, NC) and had brought home...

A bag of art supplies that included the following items:

And this little stamp set was out of frame in the photo shown above:

That, in itself is not so funny, in the comical sense of the word.  However, Julie sent another box at the beginning of the year.  That box also came on the heels of...


A trip to The Scrap Exchange!!!

The timing was remarkable... BOTH times.

A few Quilt Guild meetings ago...

A quilting friend was cleaning out her yarn and brought FOUR Target bags of fancy yarn:

Thank you, Laura!!  There are so many wonderful yarn choices in these bags.  I can't wait to share some of them with my knitting friends.

Finally, a couple of months ago I got a very special package in the mail...

It contained the following... 

This lovely postcard accompanied...

By the artist's kind words on the reverse side:

Jana's business card...

Along with her postcard sized print went into my Happy Mail journal:

This 5 x 7" print will need to be framed:

Those are all very nice, Joyful, but what was the star of the show???

That would be this beautiful piece of art by Jana Clinard Harris:

My contribution to your fundraiser was worth every penny!  Thank you for the extra goodies, Jana!  I love your work and your kind heart for a good cause.

Until next time...
I'll try to share sooner next time!!!

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