Saturday, December 14, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 50

Welcome to Week 50 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week was filled with rest and naps with a few days of work thrown in.  Apparently, just because you don't have a concussion it doesn't mean that your brain hasn't been traumatized.  Your nose might also be traumatized, even though it wasn't broken.  (At least, that's my experience.)

Here's how the week went...

SUNDAY - At my Weekly Morning Art Bee, this page...

AND a big mess was the extent of my arting.  You see, I spilled pink ink all over the table:

Day One of recovery, unable to smile due to the cuts/abrasions inside and outside my top lip:


After my nap and an early dinner, I attended the Collage Club Zoom:

I went straight back to bed afterwards!

MONDAY - "Sick Day"

I took a quick nap after an early lunch, but still had time to drag myself up to the Curiosity Collective Art Zoom...

Day Two of Recovery,  it appears that black eyes are beginning to surface:

Since I was already up in the studio, I worked on Day 9 of Care December using a cut out from my Get Messy Art Journal...

Before chatting with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color during our Weekly Zoom call:

That smile hurt, but I was determined to catch a moment of normalcy!


Day Three of recovery.  Notice, the smile is still not very smiley:


Day Four of recovery... Apparently, work took more out of me yesterday than I anticipated.  I needed a nap after breakfast!  Chilling, napping, and a little arting were on the agenda:


It's Day Five of recovery.  I thought I might attend my (Weekly) Morning Quilt Bee.  I got two exits up the interstate and almost turned around.  (It felt like an eternity driving there, but I made it only a few minutes late!)  Here are the quilters who were in attendance:


Afterwards, I had a few things to pickup at the store.  Recovery Day Six and my forehead looks to be Grinch GREEN:

After dinner, I headed up to the studio for my Weekly Evening Art Zoom where I merged a couple of gel printing techniques for today's Care December journal spread:


It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I'll have to catch up with Angela @ So Scrappy and the RSC Quilters later on.  While I couldn't join in "on time", I was thinking of my RSC Quilter friends, as evidenced by my rainbow scarf that I wore today on Day Seven of recovery.  Not exactly back to normal, but it doesn't hurt so much to smile:

FYI... My fingertip is still blue (and the splint is a royal pain to wear!)

As far as sewing goes, there may not be any of that (or knitting, either) for another five to seven weeks.  Ugh!

In neighborhood news...

Another house sold this week.  That makes three:

Before dinner (and after a quick nap), I went upstairs to work on today's journal spread.  It's not quite done, as it seems like it needs a couple of finishing touches:

Until next time...


  1. You're looking a lot better a week later, Joy! Hope you're feeling better, too. Hope you're enjoying working on your December journal!

  2. You're definitely looking better! Take it easy.

  3. Be gentle with yourself. Head bumps take time to really heal!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  4. Looking much better this weekend. Take it easy. Those knocks to the head do a lot more than you would think. Glad to see you are able to do some fun things still. Hope the boys are taking good care of you.

  5. Joy, get well soon. I am sorry you got hurt. Have a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful 2025. Cissa

  6. I love how your spirit is so strong, Joy...the stitching must continue and work too. That seems like a hard fall you took and so lucky too not to have broken nose, etc. However, must be cautious re concussions, etc. Rest is important so grab those naps!

  7. I am glad you are healing well. Happy to see that you are able to work on your journal. Please remember to take it easy, specially during the holiday season.


  8. Sorry about all that - and you are beyond correct about finger splints being a royal pain. Of course a full hand cast would be worse . . . hang in there!!

  9. I'm so glad you are doing better.I'm hoping that you keep getting extra rest and get back to being your A-OK self soon. ~Jeanne

  10. Glad to see you are healing a bit. Lots of rest and tell those guys to take good care of you.


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