Wednesday, October 13, 2010

UFO Club - Fall 2010 - The List

Here’s my list for this session:

1. The Margaret Mystery
2. QE2 Goodbye Quilt
3. Hollis’ Iris Garden
4. Circle Denim Quilt
5. Black, White, & Red All Over

These were leftovers from the Summer 2010 UFO Club and can be seen in an earlier post.
Additional UFOs un-earthed after the Summer session began (shown from top to bottom, as listed below.):

1. Circle of Friends
2. Friendship Stars Rav Swap
3. “New” Green Batik Jacket
4. Crumb Quilt
5. QUILT Quilt
6. Purple & Green Coins
7. Patriotic Improv Jacket
8. Anne’s Butterfly Quilt (DONE!)
9. Patriotic (With a Twist) Donation (DONE!)
10. Teal, Turquiose, Burgundy Twist Donation

Yes. That’s 15 UFOs for this session. The scary part is…there are MORE!!!
I better get busy!


  1. I hope you get them done! It looks like you have some good projects to work on this session.

  2. "...the scary part is...there are MORE!!!" I love it! I'm looking forward to seeing them, thank you for sharing :-)


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