Sunday, January 23, 2022

Mini Monday - SAHRR22 - Round 1

Welcome to (Not so) Mini Monday... a little bit early!!  I shared the center of my Stay At Home Round Robin (SAHRR) last week.  It's Anja @ Anja Quilts taking the reins on Round One.

What did she call for, Joyful???


I can do that!

Just have to figure out how...

Scraps and a previously unused ruler:

The side border was attached after a flip corner had been added:

First one, then the other heart top was cut and appliqued:

Those two pieces were sewn together and the remainder of the top border was added.  This is where I'm stopping this week:

Why, Joyful???

Simple really.  Pick from the following list of reasons:

1. It's Project QUILTING season and I don't have much energy left for the Stay at Home Round Robin.

2. I really enjoyed doing something unexpected last year by making something that wasn't exactly like everyone else's project.

3. I realized that I would (probably) miss the Linky Party deadline if I took the time to figure out how to make this symmetrical.

4. My family is starting to grumble that it's time for dinner (and I've been too busy sewing to notice.)

Until next time...
Sew aROUND!!!


  1. That's so cute! Are you just going to have the one heart? I like that - gives you a little surprise in the corner!

  2. Very clever! Makes a really nice accent there in the corner. Now what to do for the diamonds? Hmmm...

  3. The heart is so cute! That is a neat, unexpected use of curves. ~Jeanne

  4. Glad everyone is taking this to heart (haha) and going their own way with the clues. So much creativity flying around.

  5. Do what you can do is right! Very pretty little heart!

  6. That is so cute--that partial heart in the corner!!! Yes--put that ruler to work!!!

  7. Great solution to doing the curves! And it is so perfect for your theme. Now on to do the diamonds. Ugh.

  8. Great solution for your curves. I think the boys need to cook for Mom for a week and give you a break to sew!

  9. Joy this is just too cute! What a fun way to use the prompt.

  10. Family grumbling is never conducive to getting anything done. I love what you did. It is perfect.


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