SUNDAY, I made ONE Slab Block in BLUE, pictured out in the snow:
On MONDAY, schools were closed due to the icy road conditions. You can imagine how upset DS2 was to hear about that... NOT!!! I had a doctor appointment in the midday.
TUESDAY afternoon, I wanted to share the ONE Maverick Star block that I made in BLUE (from off-cuts of Dr. Pete's Wedding Quilt):
On WEDNESDAY, I went to Knit Group. (Yes! I'm aware that it's NOT Friday, but it's another one of those weeks involving doctor appointments.) When I got home, I cleaned like a white tornado because the quilters are coming!!
I also did a bit of work on this. And, LOOK!! There's BLUE in the block:
What IS it, Joyful?!?!
Well, you will get a better look at it in tomorrow's entry. (The day it's due!!!) However, I will give you a clue. It started out as my Bluff Challenge block.
THURSDAY morning, the Quilt Group met at my house. (Of course, you knew that from yesterday's entry, didn't you?) After lunch, I thought I'd show you this String Block in BLUE (with PURPLE accents.) Thanks again, Diane, for that bag of scraps!! Everything except for the corners came out of it - those were from Dr. Pete's Wedding Quilt from scraps of blocks made at our UFO Sew-in:
On FRIDAY, I posted a new edition of Design Floor Friday. Here's a preview:
I also worked on O's T-shirt Quilt. These are the "squared up" shirts awaiting the next Design Day...
... And THIS is the overflowing trash can (complete with BLUE scraps, of the T-shirt variety) shown so that you know just how much work got done:
After all of that cutting, I went downstairs to ice my shoulder. Dratted rotator cuff injury!!!
SATURDAY morning, I was up bright and early to take DS2 and 2 of his friends to All-District Band rehearsals. When I returned home, I joined Angela's LINK PARTY over at the So Scrappy blog. You may want to go see what all of the other RSC Quilters have been up to. I'm headed that way, myself. Enjoy!
Later... I'll be heading back for the concert... Wow!!! What a WONDERFUL performance that promises to be! Some of the BEST high school musicians in the Triangle area of North Carolina will be on stage at Raleigh's Memorial Auditorium.
Even later... It. Was. FABULOUS!!!
Until next time...
Get Scrappy!!!