Saturday, July 6, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC 24 - Week 27

Welcome to Week 27 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week, I'm celebrating the fact that Angela did a "soft" announcement in last Saturday's RSC post.  Did YOU notice?

The Color of the Month for July is...


I'm excited since that is one of my favorite colors.  This week, we'll take a look at what that scrap basket has to offer and assess the project possibilities.

That same day, Britt, Knittingsuek, and I got together for a Sew Day:

Note:  The kit I'm holding is NOT mine!  I'll be cutting that for Sue to sew during our upcoming retreat.

SUNDAY - The day began with my Weekly Morning Art Zoom.  I worked on the SEPIA prompt for the ICAD challenge at Daisy Yellow Art:

Britt and I stayed on after the meeting to chat for a little while:

My room is ready for AQUA month with mini quilts on the gallery wire:

It feels really odd, but today is my DAY OFF and that means that I was able to attend Curiosity Collective on Get Messy...

Here is what I accomplished during the art session:


This morning, as I was watering, I noticed that the Daisies given to me by my friend Dee Dee this Spring have begun to bloom.  Thanks, Dee Dee!  Just look how sweet they are in among the grass in the Iris bed:

Yes, I need to do some weeding.  Ugh!

This afternoon I finished the final page of yesterday's zine:


Was followed by my weekly Zoom with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

I gave her a sneak peek at one of the projects I might work on during AQUA month:

Thanks to Francine's recent BOJ.  :o))

THURSDAY - Happy 4th of July to all who celebrate!!

I art-ed the afternoon away and implemented an idea I had for the SALT prompt for the 5 - Minute Art Challenge.  It's the first time I have used watercolor in a "complete the picture" page and I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out:


After dinner, I enjoyed visiting with Get Messy art friends during my Weekly Evening Art Zoom.  I completed the final page for this year's 5-Minute Art Challenge:

Before heading back downstairs, I created this simple collage for the ICAD Challenge to carry out the theme for Week 6 instead of completing the mini-challenge for the week:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  As I was finishing up my post, I noticed the party had begun.  Here is the AQUA basket that I will be pulling from this month:

Complements of KathleenMari, and a "Bag of Joy" from Diane and Francine!  This time last year that basket was nearly empty.  Only a few dregs remained.  Fast forward to September 2023 and suddenly it was overflowing again thanks to their generous gifts!

Until next time...


  1. glad to be part of your busy week, with so much creativity. LeeAnna

  2. Can't wait to see what your cute aqua basket produces this month!!

  3. Your "Joyful heart" art is lovely, Joy! It's perfect for you - you should frame it. Have fun playing with those aqua scraps!

  4. Excited to see what you make with your aqua scraps!

  5. Love that you are both wearing aqua during your sneak peak at an aqua project! ~Jeanne


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