Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sew Some Love Sunday - LWR - Square Selection {Round Three}

Welcome to another edition of Sew Some Love Sunday!!  It was a good week for the LWR Mission Quilt effort here at the Joyful Quilter.

Carol and I were early for an appointment...

... SEW...

I was able to share the story about the project and she decided to sort through the bag of 350 remaining fabric squares from Nann @ With Strings Attached that I just happened to have in the car:

Carol went with an Autumn-inspired color palette:

Here is a happy Joy with a BIG thank you to Carol for agreeing to sew up an LWR quilt top:

A little while later...

Maggie took this bag of 200 fabric squares...

... Included in Wendy @ The Constant Quilter's donation box featured in this LWR post:

Maggie will select her squares at home and return the leftovers at our upcoming Outdoor Quilt Bee meeting.

The next day...

We met for ZoomBEE.  Carol shared a selection of fabrics chosen for her LWR quilt top:


Maggie already had her squares up on the design wall...

... And a plan for these fabrics, as well:

Thanks SEW much, you two!!!  When sharing their LWR project plans with the group, I was able to present the Mission Quilt effort to the membership.  More on that in an upcoming post.

Contributions in this week's mail...

Special thanks go out to Nann @ With Strings Attached for sharing a portion of her recent batting delivery with the LWR Mission Quilt effort here at The Joyful Quilter.  This box arrived on my porch:

Thank you, Nann!!


Thanks go out to my good friend Ruth S. who sent a donation for the Batting Fund.  This envelope arrived in my mailbox...

... With this beautiful card enclosed:

I happen to know that the image is of her beautiful Bluff Quilt.  The masterful applique project was a true labor of love and made such a lovely greeting card.  Thank you for the card and your generous gift. Ruth!

But, Joyful, what can I do to help???

I'm SEW glad you asked.  We are still in need quilt backs!!  

The Mission Quilt backs should measure...

Minimum Size - 70" x 90"
Maximum Size - 75" x 95"

The backing options are...

Chunks of yardage sewn into a pieced backing, an extra piece of a wide backing fabric, or lengths of yardage sewn into a minimum of 70" x 90" or max a of 75" x 95" to go with the quilt tops being made from the 700 squares and one quilt top received!!  If you have a quilt back ready for a project that size or if you would like to make one for us to use, please leave a comment below so that I can add you to the list of contributors (as well as providing you with my mailing address.  Thank you for any support you are able to contribute to this project!

Until next time...
BEE sew helpful!!


  1. Looks like lots of folks are joining into the effort! I've got my top and backing all pieced and ready for basting. Maybe quilting will happen this week :)

  2. Kudos! Your efforts to get these quilts together is appreciated by all!!

  3. Joy, what does LWR stand for?

  4. I LOVE your blooming 9-patch!!! Good luck checking off projects on your list. I know you will get there.

  5. Good luck with all the LWR quilts! Looks like you are off to a great start.


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