Saturday, May 18, 2019

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC19 - Week 20

Welcome to Week 20 of the 2019 Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  I'm here to celebrate all things ORANGE:

This was quite a week.  I quilted every day, but didn't get any sewing time until Friday night.  Yes.  There is a difference.

SUNDAY - Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms who read my blog!!  I enjoyed a day of quilting on the longarm, with a short break for an AMAZING dinner in the comfort of my very own dining room.  (Thanks, guys!!)

KD's quilt started out the day (somewhere near the midpoint) looking like this:

At the end of the day, it was done, done, DONE:

MONDAY - Quilt delivery (and a pick up, too.) Thanks, KD!!  If you look closely, you might see a bit of ORANGE in the next quilt:

TUESDAY - Evening quilt bee meeting was tonight.  With it came a(nother) quilt delivery!!  I missed getting a photo with KL.  :o((

I shared my completed Altered Rainbow basket commission:

While on my way home, I attempted (30 seconds too late!) to capture the beauty of this glorious yellow-orange sunset:

Upon my arrive, I worked to finish loading (and start quilting) the first of three donation quilts from the Brunswick Quilters Guild (NC) that I will be finishing in the next little while:

WEDNESDAY - This evening, I added more quilting to the donation quilt currently on the frame.  Here's a lovely ORANGE photo to add more of the RSC Color of the Month:

Photo courtesy of Ruth B's garden.

THURSDAY - I stopped at JoAnn Fabrics and bought batting for the second donation quilt from the Brunswick Quilters Guild.  This purchase was underwritten by the Guild.  Special thanks to the members of Brunswick Quilters Guild, for adding to your donation to the Carolina Hurricane Quilt Project in a way that allowed me to quilt an extra quilt for you!

Next, I enjoyed some time with my Weekly Quilt Group.  The Junior Quilter was also in attendance:

FRIDAY - Busy, busy day today!!  Here's how it played out...

Knit Group this morning with NO knitting (for me... Even though my yarn is ready to go!)  Then I was off for some shopping with a small purchase for summer (and it was in the ORANGE family), with a side of color spotting:  

I don't generally wear bracelets, but it was QUITE the challenge to leave these behind!

The shopping was followed by a bit of UN-shopping, to return one of MIL's Mother's Day gifts (that didn't fit properly) which was followed by an afternoon of playing Thread Chicken... I lost:

Seriously?!?!  The verylastbit of bobbin thread (from the last of SIX bobbins wound with So Fine! thread) ran out 6 " before I would have completed the quilting.  Ugh!!

By the time that happened, my machine was already packed into the car for this evening's trip downtown.  Enjoying an evening with a few of my quilting friends at this week's Friday Night Sew-In was in order, so winding a new bobbin was OUT!!  The highlight of my night was two-fold.

Hanging out with this (and other) quilting friend(s) :

And creating this scrappy block with leftovers from my Pecking Order quilt, still in progress:

More about this in next week's Design Floor Friday post...

SATURDAY - Ahhh... Bliss!!!  It's the weekend. (No alarm set and I was able to sleep til 7:45AM.)  Can you hear my sigh from your house?  What a week it's been!

If you like ORANGE (or ANY color of quilt) I would recommend that you check out Angela's So Scrappy blog for this week's LINK PARTY for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  I'll be there later on, as my first order of business is going to the studio to wind a bobbin, cut some binding, and finish up that BQG1 donation quilt.

Until next time...


  1. Looks like that long-arm is keeping you busy! And your tiny HST block is wonderful! I love the brights on the black and white background.

  2. As usual, so many things happening here, love the scrappy block you made with your leftovers from my Pecking Order quilt, and the toes and nails are great, do you do them yourself?

  3. Love those bonus triangles from pecking order! Glad you got so much quilting done. I got nothing to post uet for rsc this week. Do you see sunday morning orange scraps in my plan for the day?????

  4. So much happy, happy orange! Love the bottle-brush type plant - do you know the name of it?

  5. How dreadful! The long-arm is keeping you away from the sewing machine. Yuk! :^D Love your tiny scrappy block. Is there more to come or is it an only child? ;^)

  6. I am not a good scrappy quilter, but I love your Pecking Order block. I think the black calms it down. Very very nice! You had a busy week. You have some pretty feet and love the orange polish! Have a great week!

  7. What a fun week ... except for running out of bobbin thread 6" from the finish line! Love the orange accessories you picked up over the week, including the toes! Lol!

  8. The tension of the red stitching on that quilt with the orange block looks off. Are you happy with that, or perhaps it's just how the photo is showing. It looks like your bobbin thread is showing through on the top.


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